Hola everyone,
So yea, I worked again today. I get there and when I go to the CSM, Customer Service Manager, podium and when I get there I get sent to Furnature to zone. Which isn't so bad cause I don't want to be on a register... BUT the furnature department was a MESS! I spent two hours there trying to make it somewhat presentable. Then after that I had to go on a register so there isn't much to report on. Sorry.
I come home and watch some of the Dodger game, they lost. Then I went on the net like I am now. That is pretty much it.. I ate a King Taco burrito. YUM! That shall be all. Take care!
p.s. I have watched that Parrot Sketch about 10 times atleast since I have found it hehehehe.
Basically this is just a blog full of randomness, rants, and things that I find rather interesting that I wanted to share with you all. Well, for anyone who actually reads this. Weird = Fun. Remember that :)
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
There's isn't much to report today...
I just worked and it was just blah. Nothing exciting ever happens at work so.. Yeah..
My mom made floutas for dinner and it was good. I bought a tank top today. It has green, brown and yellow polka dots on it. So cute.
I was checking out a video on youtube today and I took off my headphones and turn around to see 3 firemen behind me looking at my uncle.. Talk about a "WTF??" moment. My uncle had fallen and he asked my mom and grandmother to call the ambulence for him. It was all pretty weird..
Watched some of Me Neighbor Totoro and now I am here. I want to watch Dirty Jobs but people are watching tv.. BOO!! take care people!
p.s. Thanks Gina for suggesting Mew to me. They are the best!
I just worked and it was just blah. Nothing exciting ever happens at work so.. Yeah..
My mom made floutas for dinner and it was good. I bought a tank top today. It has green, brown and yellow polka dots on it. So cute.
I was checking out a video on youtube today and I took off my headphones and turn around to see 3 firemen behind me looking at my uncle.. Talk about a "WTF??" moment. My uncle had fallen and he asked my mom and grandmother to call the ambulence for him. It was all pretty weird..
Watched some of Me Neighbor Totoro and now I am here. I want to watch Dirty Jobs but people are watching tv.. BOO!! take care people!
p.s. Thanks Gina for suggesting Mew to me. They are the best!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sun Burned... LA Film Fest!
Hola everyone!
So today I picked up my check from work and I got sun burned.. It sucks... I gotta work tomorrow.. Bah..
I went to the LA Film Fest today with my friend Maryann to see the film Does your soul have a cold?. Overallit was a pretty good film. It was very informative and it was interesting to see depression in another culture. One part that stands out in my mind was when one of the people goes to take his pills and he pulls out this big box full of all kinds of anti-depressants... C-R-A-Z-Y. What I didn't realize was I walked right by the director, Mike Mills, when I walked in to the theatre. They had a nice Q&A session afterwards and it was a pretty cool experience. The whole atmosphere for the film fest was awesome! I got the same feeling I got when I first walked on to the land of Chicago, Illinois. It was such a wonderful feeling. I felt, free. Weird I know... But, I got a taste of a world that I would love to be apart of. I want to volunteer next year for the film fest, so who wants to volunteer with me?!? I think it would be so great to be apart of that. I don't care about the fact that it is a lot of work, I just want to be apart of something that is so inspirering.
On the way home I noticed that they had a store out there called The Writer's Store and I definately want to go there when I get a chance... Maybe in the upcoming weeks.. Just go on the bus and go to Westwood and check out the area and soak up the scenary. Who wants to go with me?? Come on.. You know you are all up for an adventure! :D
Check out this site:
Tons of funny stuff there. Here is my favorite sketch from Monty Python Enjoy!:
So today I picked up my check from work and I got sun burned.. It sucks... I gotta work tomorrow.. Bah..
I went to the LA Film Fest today with my friend Maryann to see the film Does your soul have a cold?. Overallit was a pretty good film. It was very informative and it was interesting to see depression in another culture. One part that stands out in my mind was when one of the people goes to take his pills and he pulls out this big box full of all kinds of anti-depressants... C-R-A-Z-Y. What I didn't realize was I walked right by the director, Mike Mills, when I walked in to the theatre. They had a nice Q&A session afterwards and it was a pretty cool experience. The whole atmosphere for the film fest was awesome! I got the same feeling I got when I first walked on to the land of Chicago, Illinois. It was such a wonderful feeling. I felt, free. Weird I know... But, I got a taste of a world that I would love to be apart of. I want to volunteer next year for the film fest, so who wants to volunteer with me?!? I think it would be so great to be apart of that. I don't care about the fact that it is a lot of work, I just want to be apart of something that is so inspirering.
On the way home I noticed that they had a store out there called The Writer's Store and I definately want to go there when I get a chance... Maybe in the upcoming weeks.. Just go on the bus and go to Westwood and check out the area and soak up the scenary. Who wants to go with me?? Come on.. You know you are all up for an adventure! :D
Check out this site:
Tons of funny stuff there. Here is my favorite sketch from Monty Python Enjoy!:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
How Did That Get There??
Here is a survey I got from a friend:
1. Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
2. Last awkward moment?
Probably at Denny's or Big Lots today haha
3. Who do you find yourself crushing on currently?
People >: D muahaha
4. Have you ever fallen backwards down a set of stairs?
No, but I know someone who has. lol
5. Ever been to a friend's house and starved the whole time?
A while back yea.
6. Ever found more than a dollar in a random place?
Yea, apparently a wallet carries bills.. haha
7. Name someone close to you who smokes cigarettes?
Mother, 3 Aunts, Uncle and my grandfather
8. Name 3 things that everyone knows about you?
I'm a nerd, I am a dork and I am odd.
9. When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
I usually try to work things out unless it is better that they leave.
10. Have you ever been corrected at your workplace?
11. Has anyone ever been more important to you than a family member?
In a way yes cause I consider them just like family
12. Do you still see any of your ex's?
13. Last time you smiled?
Just now
14. What do you do when a telemarketer calls?
Don't answer
15. Would life be the same without alcohol?
Yea because well I don't drink the stuff so I am not missing it :D
16. Would you go a month without washing your hair to save a loved one?
Yea.. ::shudders::
17. Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
I would be like "WHAT THE ::BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEP::" if it were at this moment.
18. Have you had "the best night of your life"?
I have had quite a few
19. Do you think your current pets will be alive ten years from now?
20. Have you ever had sex in the bathroom?
21. When was your last bubble bath?
A year ago. I don't have a bath tub anymore so I shower.
22. Do you know anyone by the name of Dennis?
Yea lol
23. What was the last thing you ate?
what happened to # 24? It didn't like you so it ran away
25. Name five things you did yesterday?
Washed my bedding
Went online
Watched Dirty Jobs
Talked to Marina
Listen to music
26. Last time you consumed alcohol?
27. What color phone do you have?
Silver and Black
28. How many kids do you want to have?
3 - 4
29. What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
Jean shorts and my start shirt with a green dress over that.
30. What color are your eyes?
31. Have you ever been in love?
Nah just big crushes
32. When was the last time you drank a martini?
33. Did you do any chores today?
Washed clothes and loaded the dish washer
34. What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to pick up my check, go to Jamba Juice, and then going to the LA Film Fest. WOO!
35. Do you know someone who likes you?
As in like romantically? No, but please do tell me. :D But as a person sure I know lots of people who like me.
36. Have you ever had a friend named "Fred, Frank, or Felipe"?
37. Name three people you met in the past two months?
HmMmMm Well, I'll make it 3 months: Natasha, Mia and Art
38. What color is your hair?
Right now it is Blue/Black but it is naturally light brown
39. Do you like toast?
40. Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it?
No that is mean.
41. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No I do not.
# 42? Stop scaring away the questions!
43. Have you ever been teased really bad?
44. Do you still have feelings for anyone from your past?
Sort of but not really.
45. Did you enjoy your last kiss?
It's been so long...
46. Do you believe in ghosts?
47? So the ghosts scared away 47
48. Do you have a lot of female friends?
49. Do you have a friend with benefits?
50. Who was the last person you drove with?
Ok now that the survey is out of the way we can get staight to the post. WOO! Well, today Marina and I had lunch at Denny's. Not our Denny's mind you, but a Denny's. It was our first and last time eating there together. Why? Cause our waiter decided to give himself a $10 tip but you know Marina. She ain't gonna have none of that shiznat! So I took two evil army things for the kids.. haha.
Marina gave me a beloved plastic Oscar and I shall cherish it forever haha. After we left Denny's we went to Big Lots. OoOo the fun we had in there. Quite interesting really haha. We walked in to see if we could find any doll hats, none were found by the way, and we found a bounty of other cheap but funny objects. We found an energy drink that was on clearance for .25 and a mood pen. lol. We had a few phone calls and stuff but that didn't stop us from playing with all the hardware and tools haha.
Marina invited me to a nice little gathering to the Olive Garden next Monday with her high school friends and I am to hang out with her and her friend Ashley on the 4th and pray we don't burn down her house. (): D . I think that is all that really happened today.. Take care everyone one! Enjoy this lovely photo from Granpa's Revenge:
1. Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
2. Last awkward moment?
Probably at Denny's or Big Lots today haha
3. Who do you find yourself crushing on currently?
People >: D muahaha
4. Have you ever fallen backwards down a set of stairs?
No, but I know someone who has. lol
5. Ever been to a friend's house and starved the whole time?
A while back yea.
6. Ever found more than a dollar in a random place?
Yea, apparently a wallet carries bills.. haha
7. Name someone close to you who smokes cigarettes?
Mother, 3 Aunts, Uncle and my grandfather
8. Name 3 things that everyone knows about you?
I'm a nerd, I am a dork and I am odd.
9. When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
I usually try to work things out unless it is better that they leave.
10. Have you ever been corrected at your workplace?
11. Has anyone ever been more important to you than a family member?
In a way yes cause I consider them just like family
12. Do you still see any of your ex's?
13. Last time you smiled?
Just now
14. What do you do when a telemarketer calls?
Don't answer
15. Would life be the same without alcohol?
Yea because well I don't drink the stuff so I am not missing it :D
16. Would you go a month without washing your hair to save a loved one?
Yea.. ::shudders::
17. Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
I would be like "WHAT THE ::BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEP::" if it were at this moment.
18. Have you had "the best night of your life"?
I have had quite a few
19. Do you think your current pets will be alive ten years from now?
20. Have you ever had sex in the bathroom?
21. When was your last bubble bath?
A year ago. I don't have a bath tub anymore so I shower.
22. Do you know anyone by the name of Dennis?
Yea lol
23. What was the last thing you ate?
what happened to # 24? It didn't like you so it ran away
25. Name five things you did yesterday?
Washed my bedding
Went online
Watched Dirty Jobs
Talked to Marina
Listen to music
26. Last time you consumed alcohol?
27. What color phone do you have?
Silver and Black
28. How many kids do you want to have?
3 - 4
29. What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
Jean shorts and my start shirt with a green dress over that.
30. What color are your eyes?
31. Have you ever been in love?
Nah just big crushes
32. When was the last time you drank a martini?
33. Did you do any chores today?
Washed clothes and loaded the dish washer
34. What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to pick up my check, go to Jamba Juice, and then going to the LA Film Fest. WOO!
35. Do you know someone who likes you?
As in like romantically? No, but please do tell me. :D But as a person sure I know lots of people who like me.
36. Have you ever had a friend named "Fred, Frank, or Felipe"?
37. Name three people you met in the past two months?
HmMmMm Well, I'll make it 3 months: Natasha, Mia and Art
38. What color is your hair?
Right now it is Blue/Black but it is naturally light brown
39. Do you like toast?
40. Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it?
No that is mean.
41. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No I do not.
# 42? Stop scaring away the questions!
43. Have you ever been teased really bad?
44. Do you still have feelings for anyone from your past?
Sort of but not really.
45. Did you enjoy your last kiss?
It's been so long...
46. Do you believe in ghosts?
47? So the ghosts scared away 47
48. Do you have a lot of female friends?
49. Do you have a friend with benefits?
50. Who was the last person you drove with?
Ok now that the survey is out of the way we can get staight to the post. WOO! Well, today Marina and I had lunch at Denny's. Not our Denny's mind you, but a Denny's. It was our first and last time eating there together. Why? Cause our waiter decided to give himself a $10 tip but you know Marina. She ain't gonna have none of that shiznat! So I took two evil army things for the kids.. haha.
Marina gave me a beloved plastic Oscar and I shall cherish it forever haha. After we left Denny's we went to Big Lots. OoOo the fun we had in there. Quite interesting really haha. We walked in to see if we could find any doll hats, none were found by the way, and we found a bounty of other cheap but funny objects. We found an energy drink that was on clearance for .25 and a mood pen. lol. We had a few phone calls and stuff but that didn't stop us from playing with all the hardware and tools haha.
Marina invited me to a nice little gathering to the Olive Garden next Monday with her high school friends and I am to hang out with her and her friend Ashley on the 4th and pray we don't burn down her house. (): D . I think that is all that really happened today.. Take care everyone one! Enjoy this lovely photo from Granpa's Revenge:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Howdy All!
Hola everyone!
Yes, it's me again. Here to give a daily update of what I did over the course of my day. Well, I awoke around 8 am to my sister's cat's fleas crawling and biting me. So, I took all my bedding and washed it. Then I fell asleep on the couch in the living room until around 10:30am. Then I got on the computer and did my normal routine of answering e-mails and chatting with a few friends.
I spent the majority of the day watching the Dirty Jobs marathon on the Discovery Channel. That show is so entertaining. I had a good laugh at it and the host, Mike Rowe, really captures and keeps your attention. My friend Justine sent me a couple of songs today. One being, Hot/Cold (Darling, Don't) - Strata. It is very pretty and I highly suggest you all go out and check it out.
Tomorrow I will be going to Denny's with my dear friend Marina. It should be pretty interesting. I am not sure if I am going to be able to make it to my cousin Ryan's gig at BB Kings at Universal City Walk tomorrow night. I don't really have a way of getting there and I don't have anyone to go with. Still trying to work out plans for that LA Film Fest thing. Again, if anyone else is going let me know! It would be nice to see some familiar faces.
I guess that will be all for now. Not much to report on these days. Take care people!
Yes, it's me again. Here to give a daily update of what I did over the course of my day. Well, I awoke around 8 am to my sister's cat's fleas crawling and biting me. So, I took all my bedding and washed it. Then I fell asleep on the couch in the living room until around 10:30am. Then I got on the computer and did my normal routine of answering e-mails and chatting with a few friends.
I spent the majority of the day watching the Dirty Jobs marathon on the Discovery Channel. That show is so entertaining. I had a good laugh at it and the host, Mike Rowe, really captures and keeps your attention. My friend Justine sent me a couple of songs today. One being, Hot/Cold (Darling, Don't) - Strata. It is very pretty and I highly suggest you all go out and check it out.
Tomorrow I will be going to Denny's with my dear friend Marina. It should be pretty interesting. I am not sure if I am going to be able to make it to my cousin Ryan's gig at BB Kings at Universal City Walk tomorrow night. I don't really have a way of getting there and I don't have anyone to go with. Still trying to work out plans for that LA Film Fest thing. Again, if anyone else is going let me know! It would be nice to see some familiar faces.
I guess that will be all for now. Not much to report on these days. Take care people!
Monday, June 25, 2007
I Will Never Let You Fall
Hey everyone!
So yea, today was ok. I woke up and I washed my grandmother's bedding and I had to listen to Cartoon Network all day... It is enough to drive anyone batty.. Makes me wish school more cause atleast it gave me something to do. I looked around for some more jobs to apply at.
I was talking to my friend Maryann about seeing a film at the La Film Fest on Friday. One that I want to see is Does Your Soul Have a Cold?. Doesn't a title like that make you want to see it? I know I do. lol. It is at 9:30pm at the Mann Festival Theatre. So hopefully she says yes to that. So if I go to that and you want to see it too let me know so I can say Hey! :D
What else to write about? I am looking for some new music to listen to. I need something to get me out of this bored funk. Well, that is all. BYE!
So yea, today was ok. I woke up and I washed my grandmother's bedding and I had to listen to Cartoon Network all day... It is enough to drive anyone batty.. Makes me wish school more cause atleast it gave me something to do. I looked around for some more jobs to apply at.
I was talking to my friend Maryann about seeing a film at the La Film Fest on Friday. One that I want to see is Does Your Soul Have a Cold?. Doesn't a title like that make you want to see it? I know I do. lol. It is at 9:30pm at the Mann Festival Theatre. So hopefully she says yes to that. So if I go to that and you want to see it too let me know so I can say Hey! :D
What else to write about? I am looking for some new music to listen to. I need something to get me out of this bored funk. Well, that is all. BYE!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Graduation and Ghost Rider
Hola everyone!
So yea, yesterday was my graduation from American InterContinental University. I got my Bachelor of Fine Arts!
So, this is how it all went down... From what I can remember anyway.
It all started at 5 am when I woke up to start getting ready for the big day. Not too long after that my sister Janice woke up and she helped me do my hair and make-up. I admit I was really nervous so when I arrived to the actual place of the graduation waiting for Marina I was pretty anxious. I think she could tell cause I was texting her non-stop haha.
When she arrived we checked in and then we waited by our little department flag with the one other Media Production student, Natasha. After a little more waiting one more student came and then we had to move to another place. After a while of waiting we finally marched in and it really was a blur cause it went by so fast. I'll try to post more details cause right now it's all a mesh of blah.
Afterwards I said goodbye to all the faculty and it was a nice but sad moment for me. Once I said all my goodbyes I went home for a little lunch thing with some family. Around 5 pm and I went to Knott's Berry Farm with Marina, her bother Auggie and his wife Angela. Overall it was a really fun and I hope to do it again but for a longer time haha. I just know I will NEVER go on Ghost Rider again. That ride really messed me up. My back, neck and head hurt so bad. Stupid ride! I am off to get some food from Petrillo's cause I am hungry. Bye everyone!
So yea, yesterday was my graduation from American InterContinental University. I got my Bachelor of Fine Arts!
So, this is how it all went down... From what I can remember anyway.
It all started at 5 am when I woke up to start getting ready for the big day. Not too long after that my sister Janice woke up and she helped me do my hair and make-up. I admit I was really nervous so when I arrived to the actual place of the graduation waiting for Marina I was pretty anxious. I think she could tell cause I was texting her non-stop haha.
When she arrived we checked in and then we waited by our little department flag with the one other Media Production student, Natasha. After a little more waiting one more student came and then we had to move to another place. After a while of waiting we finally marched in and it really was a blur cause it went by so fast. I'll try to post more details cause right now it's all a mesh of blah.
Afterwards I said goodbye to all the faculty and it was a nice but sad moment for me. Once I said all my goodbyes I went home for a little lunch thing with some family. Around 5 pm and I went to Knott's Berry Farm with Marina, her bother Auggie and his wife Angela. Overall it was a really fun and I hope to do it again but for a longer time haha. I just know I will NEVER go on Ghost Rider again. That ride really messed me up. My back, neck and head hurt so bad. Stupid ride! I am off to get some food from Petrillo's cause I am hungry. Bye everyone!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I Hope You Know...
Hey everyone,
How are you all? Me? Well, I am in a bitter sweet position in my life. After nearly 3 years in school I am finally only about 2 days away from graduation. So, why am I not jumping for joy? I'm saying goodbye to a chapter in my life that has been well, a pretty damn good chapter. It got really good towards the end! Don't you hate when that happens?? I just hope that the new chapter in my crazy novel of a life is as good if not, then BETTER than the last one.
I am not a Fergie fan... But, I do happen to like one of her songs and it really has been getting me through this bitter sweet time. The song is Big Girls Don't Cry. Here are some lines from the song that really pulled me into it:
"I hope you know, I hope you know. That this has nothing to do with you. It's personal, myself and I we've got some straightenin' out to do."
"It's time to be a big girl now and big girls don't cry"
Those two lines really hit me. I have been so down over the past week or so that I noticed there were people asking me "What's wrong?" and I would lie and say "Nothing". It really is something for me to work out on my own. For so long school has become my place of escape. I could retreat to school and keep busy with the projects and not have to focus on some personal issues at home. It really was my safe haven and now that I am graduating, that safe haven is gone. Not to mention there are a few people who I met in the past 6 months that I have really grown fond of and that I am honestly going to miss seeing them almost on a daily basis. Such is life, I can always look back with fond memories and remember how much they have touched me.
Now the hunt for a job in the career that I actually want to do begins. I have applied to one place already. The one good thing from having all this free time on my hands is that I actually have time to write now. And you know what, I have a lot of stuff to let out in the form of a script. I think it will be a VERY theraputic thing for me. It will help me take the first steps in progressing on to the next chapter. I think one of the most important things for a writer is to be unapologetic of the stuff they write. You wrote it so stand by it. People are not always going to agree with it, be comfortable with it or something else but it is something from you. Speaking for myself, with this future project I will be working on it will get out a lot of emotions I have been feeling and you know why should I apologize for it? I am only human and I feel like it's a step towards the good, the better.
Now on to the discussion on Grandpa's Revenge. I know I have neglected you all on this project. I have teased you all with little or no details and well, here it all is!
The idea spurred from a ride home in Marina's car from a class field trip to the Kodak Store on Santa Monica. I believe we were listening to Star 98.7 and this woman had just won tickets to something on the radio. The woman was so excited and the next thing we heard was "WOO oh! I almost got into an accident!" and the radio DJ responded "Don't go getting into an accident on the radio now!" or something like that. After Marina and I heard that we just laughed because we imagened seeing something like that in a movie and how great it would be. I know I would be on the floor laugh if I saw that. And we came to the conclusion that we would write some kind of script with that happening. Not too long after that, I think maybe a day later or something we were in the car on our way to school when this old man goes speeding past Marina and yells out "Slow down Grandpa!" and we noticed he had on this funny hat. When we get to school we saw a classmate of ours, named Benny Flores, and he was wearing the EXACT same hat that Grandpa was wearing and me made the joke that Benny stole Grandpa's hat and thus the story for Grandpa's Revenge was born.
We went to Denny's later that night, and many nights after that, to discuss more ideas for the script. We thought it would be the best thing if we could write a script and actually shoot it. We really had our hearts set out on casting the real Benny for the character Benny in the film. Unfortunately, we were unable to get Benny for the projects and our hopes of making this film a live action film were crushed.. So, we thought maybe we could turn it into an audio project, something you would hear on an old time radio show before television came around. As time went by we discovered that the project would be pretty boring if it was just audio. So, one night as I am sitting here on this computer lurking the net Marina IMs me and sends me this link to this video on youtube. It turns out to be this mock film of Pirates of the Caribbean and it was of Barbies on fishing line. It was pretty bad, so bad it was good. After watching that we thought "Why can't we do that for Grandpa's Revenge?" We worked up the courage to ask the teacher for our Senior Seminar II class, also the department chair for Media Production at school, Mark Lowentrout, if we could shoot the films with dolls. To our surprise he said we could and encouraged us to do so.
So with his blessing we began the post-production process to the film. We need to get the actual script done so that meant we had to sit down and actually write. Which is much harder than we both expected. It is much easier to say something would be funny than it is to actually put it down on to paper, let alone to fit it in the story and have it work. Once the script was done we realized we had no ending. So we headed back to Denny's for our sugar, caffeine and whatever else is in those drinks there to think of an ending. While we were on our sugar highs we were joking around about how funny it would be to have one of our professors, Professor Aleem Hossain, playing with the dolls at the end. Then we realized that it would actually be a pretty good ending to the crazy film we came up with. The next thing was actually going up to the professor and asking him if he would do that for us, you know.. play with dolls. Now, I for one was scared because though he was kind enough to agree to lend his voice for one of the characters I did not think he would be interested in going that far. Since we figured none of the other professors would be willing to do it I was elected to ask Aleem if he would since I had him for a class anyway. I was scared out of my mind for fear of a big fat NO. Once I got him alone and I asked him, he surprisingly said yes. Now I wanted to jump for joy when I heard that yes come out of his mouth! We had an ending and an actor for the ending. We pretty much got all of the faculty to lend their voice, and or likeness, for the film.
Now we had to come up with a pitch, presentation and a folder for the project. We presented it to the class expecting people to not get the film and completely reject it. Oh on contrare, they loved it and were actually excited about seeing the end result. Marina and I then celebrated at... You guessed it Denny's! Then came the grueling task of scheduling, scheduling, scheduling... It wasn't that hard but still haha. We were unsure of how to direct some of the actors. We were worried that we would really have to coach one of the actors. Since the only example we had of him was of this audio project called The Invasion. So when the time came to record Professor Nathan Marshall's dialogue we were blown away by his performance. We had a hard time NOT laughing while he was recording his dialogue. He did a phenominal job! I do feel bad for thinking otherwise, but like I said, the only example we had of his acting was from that other project... haha. Infact everyone did a great job with their dialogue. It was very refreshing to have such talented people to work with.
Over the course of the past three months I would show Aleem what footage Marina and I had and with each time he became more excited for us and wanted to see the end result. It was so great to have someone so enthusiastic about the project as we were. It certainly made us enjoy it more. The time came to shoot the final scene and it was nothing less than fantastic. Aleem did an amazing job, as did Mark. We only had to shoot his reactions twice since he did so well. There was one take that I really wanted to use of Aleem and Mark but I just could not use cause it did not work with the scene... But, I will be putting that up so you all can see it cause it was a good one! Ha ha.
I am at school and I notice a flyer hanging about the first annual Media Production Awards and I thought "Why don't Marina and I enter this? I think we could finish by the deadline and it would have a good chance." So I call Marina and she said yes to entering Grandpa's Revenge. I put in the script for best screenplay and then Marina and I worked our behinds off to get the film edited by June 1st for the awards. We got it done and then we found ourselves done WAY ahead of schedule. Grandpa's Revenge won best screenplay but not for best narrative. Still a big achievment for us and we were very gracious. Once we screened Grandpa's Revenge we got a very positive responce. It was nice and very rewarding to see something we were so passionate about get such a positive responce. I can't wait to show you all the film! Keep an eye out for it cause it will be posted soon!
Ok I think that will be all for now. I have more to write about but this thing is already a novel. So you all take care and keep a look out for the next post! BYE!!
How are you all? Me? Well, I am in a bitter sweet position in my life. After nearly 3 years in school I am finally only about 2 days away from graduation. So, why am I not jumping for joy? I'm saying goodbye to a chapter in my life that has been well, a pretty damn good chapter. It got really good towards the end! Don't you hate when that happens?? I just hope that the new chapter in my crazy novel of a life is as good if not, then BETTER than the last one.
I am not a Fergie fan... But, I do happen to like one of her songs and it really has been getting me through this bitter sweet time. The song is Big Girls Don't Cry. Here are some lines from the song that really pulled me into it:
"I hope you know, I hope you know. That this has nothing to do with you. It's personal, myself and I we've got some straightenin' out to do."
"It's time to be a big girl now and big girls don't cry"
Those two lines really hit me. I have been so down over the past week or so that I noticed there were people asking me "What's wrong?" and I would lie and say "Nothing". It really is something for me to work out on my own. For so long school has become my place of escape. I could retreat to school and keep busy with the projects and not have to focus on some personal issues at home. It really was my safe haven and now that I am graduating, that safe haven is gone. Not to mention there are a few people who I met in the past 6 months that I have really grown fond of and that I am honestly going to miss seeing them almost on a daily basis. Such is life, I can always look back with fond memories and remember how much they have touched me.
Now the hunt for a job in the career that I actually want to do begins. I have applied to one place already. The one good thing from having all this free time on my hands is that I actually have time to write now. And you know what, I have a lot of stuff to let out in the form of a script. I think it will be a VERY theraputic thing for me. It will help me take the first steps in progressing on to the next chapter. I think one of the most important things for a writer is to be unapologetic of the stuff they write. You wrote it so stand by it. People are not always going to agree with it, be comfortable with it or something else but it is something from you. Speaking for myself, with this future project I will be working on it will get out a lot of emotions I have been feeling and you know why should I apologize for it? I am only human and I feel like it's a step towards the good, the better.
Now on to the discussion on Grandpa's Revenge. I know I have neglected you all on this project. I have teased you all with little or no details and well, here it all is!
The idea spurred from a ride home in Marina's car from a class field trip to the Kodak Store on Santa Monica. I believe we were listening to Star 98.7 and this woman had just won tickets to something on the radio. The woman was so excited and the next thing we heard was "WOO oh! I almost got into an accident!" and the radio DJ responded "Don't go getting into an accident on the radio now!" or something like that. After Marina and I heard that we just laughed because we imagened seeing something like that in a movie and how great it would be. I know I would be on the floor laugh if I saw that. And we came to the conclusion that we would write some kind of script with that happening. Not too long after that, I think maybe a day later or something we were in the car on our way to school when this old man goes speeding past Marina and yells out "Slow down Grandpa!" and we noticed he had on this funny hat. When we get to school we saw a classmate of ours, named Benny Flores, and he was wearing the EXACT same hat that Grandpa was wearing and me made the joke that Benny stole Grandpa's hat and thus the story for Grandpa's Revenge was born.
We went to Denny's later that night, and many nights after that, to discuss more ideas for the script. We thought it would be the best thing if we could write a script and actually shoot it. We really had our hearts set out on casting the real Benny for the character Benny in the film. Unfortunately, we were unable to get Benny for the projects and our hopes of making this film a live action film were crushed.. So, we thought maybe we could turn it into an audio project, something you would hear on an old time radio show before television came around. As time went by we discovered that the project would be pretty boring if it was just audio. So, one night as I am sitting here on this computer lurking the net Marina IMs me and sends me this link to this video on youtube. It turns out to be this mock film of Pirates of the Caribbean and it was of Barbies on fishing line. It was pretty bad, so bad it was good. After watching that we thought "Why can't we do that for Grandpa's Revenge?" We worked up the courage to ask the teacher for our Senior Seminar II class, also the department chair for Media Production at school, Mark Lowentrout, if we could shoot the films with dolls. To our surprise he said we could and encouraged us to do so.
So with his blessing we began the post-production process to the film. We need to get the actual script done so that meant we had to sit down and actually write. Which is much harder than we both expected. It is much easier to say something would be funny than it is to actually put it down on to paper, let alone to fit it in the story and have it work. Once the script was done we realized we had no ending. So we headed back to Denny's for our sugar, caffeine and whatever else is in those drinks there to think of an ending. While we were on our sugar highs we were joking around about how funny it would be to have one of our professors, Professor Aleem Hossain, playing with the dolls at the end. Then we realized that it would actually be a pretty good ending to the crazy film we came up with. The next thing was actually going up to the professor and asking him if he would do that for us, you know.. play with dolls. Now, I for one was scared because though he was kind enough to agree to lend his voice for one of the characters I did not think he would be interested in going that far. Since we figured none of the other professors would be willing to do it I was elected to ask Aleem if he would since I had him for a class anyway. I was scared out of my mind for fear of a big fat NO. Once I got him alone and I asked him, he surprisingly said yes. Now I wanted to jump for joy when I heard that yes come out of his mouth! We had an ending and an actor for the ending. We pretty much got all of the faculty to lend their voice, and or likeness, for the film.
Now we had to come up with a pitch, presentation and a folder for the project. We presented it to the class expecting people to not get the film and completely reject it. Oh on contrare, they loved it and were actually excited about seeing the end result. Marina and I then celebrated at... You guessed it Denny's! Then came the grueling task of scheduling, scheduling, scheduling... It wasn't that hard but still haha. We were unsure of how to direct some of the actors. We were worried that we would really have to coach one of the actors. Since the only example we had of him was of this audio project called The Invasion. So when the time came to record Professor Nathan Marshall's dialogue we were blown away by his performance. We had a hard time NOT laughing while he was recording his dialogue. He did a phenominal job! I do feel bad for thinking otherwise, but like I said, the only example we had of his acting was from that other project... haha. Infact everyone did a great job with their dialogue. It was very refreshing to have such talented people to work with.
Over the course of the past three months I would show Aleem what footage Marina and I had and with each time he became more excited for us and wanted to see the end result. It was so great to have someone so enthusiastic about the project as we were. It certainly made us enjoy it more. The time came to shoot the final scene and it was nothing less than fantastic. Aleem did an amazing job, as did Mark. We only had to shoot his reactions twice since he did so well. There was one take that I really wanted to use of Aleem and Mark but I just could not use cause it did not work with the scene... But, I will be putting that up so you all can see it cause it was a good one! Ha ha.
I am at school and I notice a flyer hanging about the first annual Media Production Awards and I thought "Why don't Marina and I enter this? I think we could finish by the deadline and it would have a good chance." So I call Marina and she said yes to entering Grandpa's Revenge. I put in the script for best screenplay and then Marina and I worked our behinds off to get the film edited by June 1st for the awards. We got it done and then we found ourselves done WAY ahead of schedule. Grandpa's Revenge won best screenplay but not for best narrative. Still a big achievment for us and we were very gracious. Once we screened Grandpa's Revenge we got a very positive responce. It was nice and very rewarding to see something we were so passionate about get such a positive responce. I can't wait to show you all the film! Keep an eye out for it cause it will be posted soon!
Ok I think that will be all for now. I have more to write about but this thing is already a novel. So you all take care and keep a look out for the next post! BYE!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Writer's Block: Words that you love and hate
What are your favorite and least favorite words? Any reasons why?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
All The Same
WOAH! It's been WAY too long since I've left a decent post. I appologize. I have been VERY very busy.
Lately I have been trying NOT to think about the upcoming graduation... Why? It just depresses me and honestly I really break down in tears thinking about all the people I am going to miss. It sucks. Time is going by too fast and it really is quite sad. I haven't really had any time for me to sit back and enjoy the time I have with certain people before I leave them. I have too many projects to work on and bah.. Not a good time for me. If you know me then you know I have my depression periods and I have been stuck in one longer than I want right now. I would post more details about Grandpa's Revenge and stuff but I really don't have time to do that.. atleast not yet. I will get busy on my script for Script Frenzy soon cause it's something I personally need to accomplish. Sorry it was a lame post. But have a good one. Will post a better one later!
p.s. check out the song "All The Same" by the Sick Puppies. Very good.
Lately I have been trying NOT to think about the upcoming graduation... Why? It just depresses me and honestly I really break down in tears thinking about all the people I am going to miss. It sucks. Time is going by too fast and it really is quite sad. I haven't really had any time for me to sit back and enjoy the time I have with certain people before I leave them. I have too many projects to work on and bah.. Not a good time for me. If you know me then you know I have my depression periods and I have been stuck in one longer than I want right now. I would post more details about Grandpa's Revenge and stuff but I really don't have time to do that.. atleast not yet. I will get busy on my script for Script Frenzy soon cause it's something I personally need to accomplish. Sorry it was a lame post. But have a good one. Will post a better one later!
p.s. check out the song "All The Same" by the Sick Puppies. Very good.
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