Ok, you know how you have a dream about someone and then you wake up and then you go back to sleep and then you dream something else?
well, I had a dream about this guy and I woke up thinking "WTF?" and then I went back to sleep and it went back into the same dream about that guy but at a different part. Then I woke up like "WTH???" and I just stayed up and checked my e-mail and low and behold... I got an e-mail from that guy!
It completely freaked me out so much I had to get away from the computer.. It was a real OOOeeeOOO moment. Not cool.. haha.
So here is the dream:
Ok I was meeting that guy and his sister and some other people I didn't know somewhere. I walk in and I am early and I sit down and his sister walks in and we say hello and she sits in the chair next to me. Then the guy and the other people walk in and sit in the chairs across the room. And it was quiet for a long time. Then the guy was like "You can sit closer you know" haha. So his sister and I move closer to him and then that's when I woke up the first time.
I go back to sleep and then all of a sudden we were all at this dinning room table eating and chatting. There was this woman sitting across from me and then the guy was sitting at the head of the table to my left next to me. And we were all just talking. Then the guy and I were talking about something and we can't really hear each other or he gets really interested in a topic and he leans in closer to me. We talk and he is talking about something and he moves his hand towards mine and the tips of his fingers barely touch mine and in midsentence he stops and he has this (O_O) look on his face and I am like "Yes?" just waiting for him to continue talking and he starts to talk again but he is still distracted by his fingers touching mine. Then he moves his hand and sits back and stops talking to me.
So I go back to talking to the lady infront of me. And some time passes and the guy gets up I think to go talk to his sister or something and then the lady infront of me leans forward and whispers "He likes you!" and I am like "Wha?? (O_O)" and she just smiled and nodded her head and he comes back and I just kind of look away. Then everyone leaves and I am in my editing classroom kind of and I am laying on the floor watching some movie on tv. And the guy goes and sits in his normal chair and mentions something about me watching the movie in class even after the quarter being over or something and that same lady from earlier was like "Can't you go home and watch it?" and she was laughing and I was like "No, cause by the time I get home the movie will be over"
And she was like "What??" and she disappears and then the guy asks me how I get home and I say I take about "3 - 4 busses to get home", (it doesn't take 4 it's only 3 haha), and he was like "What? No, it's all about.." something about money and then it gets all fuzzy and I wake up.. haha I was like "WTF?!?!"
Then I check my e-mail and I finally have a responce from him.. I was like "O-K I am getting away from this thing now..." lol
So if anyone can tell me what that meant feel free to let me know.. thanks hahaha.
Basically this is just a blog full of randomness, rants, and things that I find rather interesting that I wanted to share with you all. Well, for anyone who actually reads this. Weird = Fun. Remember that :)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Books That I Want!
Here are some titles of books that I want:
Love Is A Mix Tape: Life And Loss, One Song At A Time by Rob Sheffield
Cupcake by Rachel Cohn
Stuart: A Life Backwards by Alexander Masters
Everything I’m Cracked Up To Be: A Rock & Roll Fairy Tale by Jen Trynin
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
Books, socks and scrapbooking stuff are my addictions... I'm gonna be broke.. hahaha.
Love Is A Mix Tape: Life And Loss, One Song At A Time by Rob Sheffield
Cupcake by Rachel Cohn
Stuart: A Life Backwards by Alexander Masters
Everything I’m Cracked Up To Be: A Rock & Roll Fairy Tale by Jen Trynin
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
Books, socks and scrapbooking stuff are my addictions... I'm gonna be broke.. hahaha.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Hugs Are The Best
When a guy you like or have a crush on gives you an unexpected hug it feels really good. Today he made me the happiest chick alive. :D That is all folks!
Aww Factor Quote
I am in a weird place right now. It is really, really depressingly hard to even pretend that you can be a normal guy and have a normal relationship right now. Not many people can relate to the attention and lifestyle I have and I am in a place at the moment where I don't know if I am going to be able to be famous and have a normal relationship or be a normal boyfriend. That is really scary to me, as even though I am a musician and that is a massive part of my life, there is a part of me that is loyalty-driven. I want to be a boyfriend, I want to be a husband, I want to be a dad. I want those things. Badly. - Patrick.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Jeff, You're A Pioneer of Paranoia...
So, I was watching the clips I had on youtube and I just wanted to share this one with you all.
hehe. I love Coupling. That show was awesome. I was also watching a video blog that I subscribed to and it got me thinking of starting my own video blog. I am still not sure about it yet cause well... I am more of a behind the camera person and I really like to just get everything out in writing. I highly doubt my videos would be as popular as hers. But, still the thought of my face being put out there.. eeeee.
So, I finally finished all my stinking papers. WEE!!! Not time to party yet I am afraid. I still have two more finals to do next week. ::sighs:: But it should be interesting. So, myspace isn't working on Safari on this computer for some reason and that really ticks me off haha. So I guess Firefox will have to do. One thing I noticed, and I happen to like, is that on here it tells me when I have a spelling error haha. For some reason that makes me all happy. I am just waiting for Marina to get out of class in oh about 2 hours.. So hungry.. Denny's!!!!! :D Well, I think this will be a short one for now cause well it just will be. Haha. Take care!
hehe. I love Coupling. That show was awesome. I was also watching a video blog that I subscribed to and it got me thinking of starting my own video blog. I am still not sure about it yet cause well... I am more of a behind the camera person and I really like to just get everything out in writing. I highly doubt my videos would be as popular as hers. But, still the thought of my face being put out there.. eeeee.
So, I finally finished all my stinking papers. WEE!!! Not time to party yet I am afraid. I still have two more finals to do next week. ::sighs:: But it should be interesting. So, myspace isn't working on Safari on this computer for some reason and that really ticks me off haha. So I guess Firefox will have to do. One thing I noticed, and I happen to like, is that on here it tells me when I have a spelling error haha. For some reason that makes me all happy. I am just waiting for Marina to get out of class in oh about 2 hours.. So hungry.. Denny's!!!!! :D Well, I think this will be a short one for now cause well it just will be. Haha. Take care!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tell It To Move, Feel Like Climbing The Walls
Hey! So, I finally have some spare time to write a decent blog. Once again, I am sorry for the one liner ones. I have been swamped with school work that really had to get done and not to mention I was dead tired.
So I was listening to the stream of Vena Sera and there is one part in the song I Get It that really stood out to me and is something I feel everyone should ask themselves in life. Here it is:
"Do you want it enough? Do you want it at all? Should you need it at all, takes a man to see, do you want it enough? Do you want it at all? Should you need it all, do you want it enough?"
Why do I think everyone should ask themselves that? Well, in this short short life of ours you have to determine what it is you really want. Are the things you are doing at this moment what you want to be doing? Are you where you want to be? Is there something that you really want? Ask yourself "Do you want it enough?", you'll soon begin to see just what matters and what you really want. You only live once so why not make it really count?
For me those lines stood out and I started thinking, Am I doing what I want? Do I really want to go into the field of writing? The answer is yes, I worked my butt off not to just give up now. I honestly don't care if I never make it rich or have people know my name all over the world. As long as I am doing some sort of writing I will be the happiest person in the world. If I can make some sort of living doing what I truely love then I have been successful. Cause I know I don't want to be a cashier at Wal-Mart the rest of my life. No offense to that place but it's not my passion. I'd rather create stories of people being assholes and have the cashier have their revenge on them than me have to experience that first hand, only without the revenge part.. Although, that would make work a lot more interesting. Muahaha.
So today is the last day of class for Editing and Post-production II and Audio II. I am saddend cause I really liked those classes this quarter. Another reason I am sad cause that means I'll have to start my final quarter here at school. Scary thought... EEP! Tons of work ahead of me and I think I am gonna just dive in. Take care folks!
So I was listening to the stream of Vena Sera and there is one part in the song I Get It that really stood out to me and is something I feel everyone should ask themselves in life. Here it is:
"Do you want it enough? Do you want it at all? Should you need it at all, takes a man to see, do you want it enough? Do you want it at all? Should you need it all, do you want it enough?"
Why do I think everyone should ask themselves that? Well, in this short short life of ours you have to determine what it is you really want. Are the things you are doing at this moment what you want to be doing? Are you where you want to be? Is there something that you really want? Ask yourself "Do you want it enough?", you'll soon begin to see just what matters and what you really want. You only live once so why not make it really count?
For me those lines stood out and I started thinking, Am I doing what I want? Do I really want to go into the field of writing? The answer is yes, I worked my butt off not to just give up now. I honestly don't care if I never make it rich or have people know my name all over the world. As long as I am doing some sort of writing I will be the happiest person in the world. If I can make some sort of living doing what I truely love then I have been successful. Cause I know I don't want to be a cashier at Wal-Mart the rest of my life. No offense to that place but it's not my passion. I'd rather create stories of people being assholes and have the cashier have their revenge on them than me have to experience that first hand, only without the revenge part.. Although, that would make work a lot more interesting. Muahaha.
So today is the last day of class for Editing and Post-production II and Audio II. I am saddend cause I really liked those classes this quarter. Another reason I am sad cause that means I'll have to start my final quarter here at school. Scary thought... EEP! Tons of work ahead of me and I think I am gonna just dive in. Take care folks!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I Hate You... Not Really
I know.. I am procrastinating on homework... I will get to it I swear.. Cause... Cause well, I have to. Boo to that! So yea, I ended up having to change one of the movies I chose for the paper I need to write. Cause, stupid me failed to notice that it was edited by 4 editors! Errrr... So I watched another one instead. It had a variety of differences though. Should be an interesting paper to do.. To say the least.
Ever see something that you wish you hadn't? I did.. Last night and that is all I will say haha. I wanted to gouge my eyes out... hahaha.
Well I think that will be all. I need to get started on that paper.. errrrr.
p.s. for my records:
Ever see something that you wish you hadn't? I did.. Last night and that is all I will say haha. I wanted to gouge my eyes out... hahaha.
Well I think that will be all. I need to get started on that paper.. errrrr.
p.s. for my records:
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Daily Post 1.0
Hola people.
Today was a meh day. I had to go into work at 7:30am and I worked until 4:30pm. If you ask me it felt like a lot longer. When you are in my line of work you deal with alot of assholes. And well, today I have had enough. I stopped being too nice and stood my ground. It felt great and well it sucks I had to do it when I was over my frustration level. Ehh.
So, St. Patricks day was just ehh for me. Got a ton of Chevelle news. Which makes me happy. Speaking of new Chevelle check out Samuel Loeffler's new bass drum head:

Photo Courtesy of Sooner my favorite lighting girl :D
I thought that was hilarious.. hehehe.
That's all for now cause I am about to do some work.. or not.. ;D
Today was a meh day. I had to go into work at 7:30am and I worked until 4:30pm. If you ask me it felt like a lot longer. When you are in my line of work you deal with alot of assholes. And well, today I have had enough. I stopped being too nice and stood my ground. It felt great and well it sucks I had to do it when I was over my frustration level. Ehh.
So, St. Patricks day was just ehh for me. Got a ton of Chevelle news. Which makes me happy. Speaking of new Chevelle check out Samuel Loeffler's new bass drum head:
Photo Courtesy of Sooner my favorite lighting girl :D
I thought that was hilarious.. hehehe.
That's all for now cause I am about to do some work.. or not.. ;D
Friday, March 16, 2007
Today I was thinking about this one little boy that I was helping while at work just before Valentine's day. Here is what went down:
::I am ringing up all his little valentine stuff and he looks at me and I smile::
Boy: I'm in looooooooovvvveeeee. ::sighs::
Me: Aww
Boy: Her name is Kristina and I am gonna give this to her on Valentines day. ::points to all the stuff he is buying::
Me: That's sweet!
::His mom laughs and lets him pay for his stuff::
His Mom: He's going to give that to this older girl he knows at school.
Me: Awww.
I am not sure why I was thinking about that today but as I was monitoring self-checkouts and then guess who I saw! That little boy and his mom. That made my day. That's all. Take care people!
::I am ringing up all his little valentine stuff and he looks at me and I smile::
Boy: I'm in looooooooovvvveeeee. ::sighs::
Me: Aww
Boy: Her name is Kristina and I am gonna give this to her on Valentines day. ::points to all the stuff he is buying::
Me: That's sweet!
::His mom laughs and lets him pay for his stuff::
His Mom: He's going to give that to this older girl he knows at school.
Me: Awww.
I am not sure why I was thinking about that today but as I was monitoring self-checkouts and then guess who I saw! That little boy and his mom. That made my day. That's all. Take care people!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I was just thinking of someone today. It's funny how one or a couple of memories can stand out so much in one person's mind but there is little chance that the other person will even remember it.
I remember I was at school and I had just left the financial aid office and I was texting my sister Connie a quote from this show Metalocolypse and I was so focused on the text and I was laughing that I didn't notice the guy I was about to bump into. I luckily catchy myself and stop just before we bump. I am still laughing at the text but laughing more cause of what almost happened. I apologize and I actually made him laugh and smile at me. Now, this guy hadn't smiled at me once since I first met him and I was convinced he hated me. But when he laughed that day it was nice. He accepted my apology and I held open the door to the open for him cause he had to drag a lot of stuff to his class. He thanked me and we went our separate ways.
With that memory it makes me smile but I doubt he even remembers that event even taking place. I guess it's just little events that happen that just spark some good memories. I feel that once I leave I will be forgotten and no one will remember the girl who always arrived early with her headphones on at school. ::sighs::
Time to go. Take care!
I remember I was at school and I had just left the financial aid office and I was texting my sister Connie a quote from this show Metalocolypse and I was so focused on the text and I was laughing that I didn't notice the guy I was about to bump into. I luckily catchy myself and stop just before we bump. I am still laughing at the text but laughing more cause of what almost happened. I apologize and I actually made him laugh and smile at me. Now, this guy hadn't smiled at me once since I first met him and I was convinced he hated me. But when he laughed that day it was nice. He accepted my apology and I held open the door to the open for him cause he had to drag a lot of stuff to his class. He thanked me and we went our separate ways.
With that memory it makes me smile but I doubt he even remembers that event even taking place. I guess it's just little events that happen that just spark some good memories. I feel that once I leave I will be forgotten and no one will remember the girl who always arrived early with her headphones on at school. ::sighs::
Time to go. Take care!
I just got the soundtrack for the movie 300. :D x 1,000,000,000. Words cannot explain just how excited I am to have finally got my hands on it. For me, everything in that movie worked but the music.. The music just made the movie over the top. So may argue that the movie lacked a proper story.. But I say.. That is what the narration is for. Anyway back to the post.
So I was looking at my myspace earlier and under where it says education it says High school. It all of a sudden hit me that in the next few months that is going to change to college. That is a bit freaky cause I was not expecting to be out so soon. Life moves fast and you have to slow it down a bit people. Before you know it you're on your death bed. EEP!
So, I am avoiding doing my math homework at the moment cause well I don't want to do it. Matt told me to check out this band Fishbone and I did that this morning. They are pretty cool. I like ska :D. Let's see what other randomness I can put.. HmMm.. Oh, I had to buy earphones from school today cause the ones I had went dead and we all know I can't live without my music! They have good sound but the only thing is they hurt my ears after a while and they are bulky. I haven't really been doing much just catching up on the latest blog from John August's blog. So I shall end this here cause I don't know what else to say. BYE!
So I was looking at my myspace earlier and under where it says education it says High school. It all of a sudden hit me that in the next few months that is going to change to college. That is a bit freaky cause I was not expecting to be out so soon. Life moves fast and you have to slow it down a bit people. Before you know it you're on your death bed. EEP!
So, I am avoiding doing my math homework at the moment cause well I don't want to do it. Matt told me to check out this band Fishbone and I did that this morning. They are pretty cool. I like ska :D. Let's see what other randomness I can put.. HmMm.. Oh, I had to buy earphones from school today cause the ones I had went dead and we all know I can't live without my music! They have good sound but the only thing is they hurt my ears after a while and they are bulky. I haven't really been doing much just catching up on the latest blog from John August's blog. So I shall end this here cause I don't know what else to say. BYE!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My Back, Legs and Stomach Hate Me
I have over worked my legs and my back... So now they are so sore! But yea, I went over my notes from yesterday that I took during the movie 300.. Well, I think I need to see it again to take more notes ;) lol. But seriously, I think I should. There weren't many notes but the ones I did have were significant parts that could help me.
So Vena Sera leaked.. A bit saddened but at the same time I hope it creates more exposure for the album. What else to write about HmMm... Oh yea, I just found out that the actor who played King Leonidas in 300 also played The Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. I knew he looked familiar and I knew there was a reason why I liked him. lol. In case you all didn't already know his name is Gerard Butler check him out. I think that is all for the time being. Take care people. Enjoy this lovely little photo:
So Vena Sera leaked.. A bit saddened but at the same time I hope it creates more exposure for the album. What else to write about HmMm... Oh yea, I just found out that the actor who played King Leonidas in 300 also played The Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. I knew he looked familiar and I knew there was a reason why I liked him. lol. In case you all didn't already know his name is Gerard Butler check him out. I think that is all for the time being. Take care people. Enjoy this lovely little photo:
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Ok so I saw 300 finally... I LOVED it! I was afraid I wasn't going to like the gore or that it was going to be overhyped for me.. But it was fantastic! :D I plan on seeing it again. I took down a few notes but to see it again couldn't hurt. ;) lol.
My legs and back officially hate me today.. So much so that they have conspired with my stomach.. haha. On the way back from the theatre I got off on the wrong stop so I had to do a mad rush walk to school for my last class and then I walked up the stairs.. Not cool... haha. My back pack is heavy and stuff so my back is like "I hate you!" haha
But yea, I can't really pull out what exactly I liked about 300 but.. For sure that soundtrack was awesome! I am going to buy that for sure. What did I tell you, great year for music. haha. I think that will be all for the moment. Take care!
My legs and back officially hate me today.. So much so that they have conspired with my stomach.. haha. On the way back from the theatre I got off on the wrong stop so I had to do a mad rush walk to school for my last class and then I walked up the stairs.. Not cool... haha. My back pack is heavy and stuff so my back is like "I hate you!" haha
But yea, I can't really pull out what exactly I liked about 300 but.. For sure that soundtrack was awesome! I am going to buy that for sure. What did I tell you, great year for music. haha. I think that will be all for the moment. Take care!
So When You're Near Me Darling, Can't You Hear Me. SOS.
I am sitting here listening to my beloved ABBA and I am blowing my nose. Funny how I look like I am crying but all I am doing is blowing my nose.
I bought my ticket to see 300 today. From what I have heard it is supposed to be a good film and really gorey... I don't like gore too much so we'll see how I take it today. I shall "blog" about my first experience going to the movies alone and how I liked or did not like the movie. I am pretty sure I am gonna like it I usually do.
Let's see what else to talk about before I head of to the lovely math class... bah! So, for my audio 2 class our final is... Whatever we want.. We just have to DAZZEL him. WTF?!? I know he wants us to be more artistic and stuff but seriously.. That opens a whole wide range of a variety of things I could do and I have no idea what to do. I figured I'd do a sound collage.. Since he said is has to be something involved with sound.. So I am going to make this one sound WAY better than my last one. I'll add in my own special effects and stuff outside of class since I can't seem to figure out how to do it on Pro-Tools in class. I know it can be done I just don't have the patience or the time to be looking for it. So, audacity here I come!
As for my editing 2 final, Nathan said I was almost done... I need to work on the pacing a bit and then change this one jump cut... So frustrating. ::sighs:: It's weird how I have been posting pretty much everyday. I hope I can keep it up. I hate when I don't post anything for weeks. Well, I have to go to math now.. Oh joy... psh.. Take care!
I bought my ticket to see 300 today. From what I have heard it is supposed to be a good film and really gorey... I don't like gore too much so we'll see how I take it today. I shall "blog" about my first experience going to the movies alone and how I liked or did not like the movie. I am pretty sure I am gonna like it I usually do.
Let's see what else to talk about before I head of to the lovely math class... bah! So, for my audio 2 class our final is... Whatever we want.. We just have to DAZZEL him. WTF?!? I know he wants us to be more artistic and stuff but seriously.. That opens a whole wide range of a variety of things I could do and I have no idea what to do. I figured I'd do a sound collage.. Since he said is has to be something involved with sound.. So I am going to make this one sound WAY better than my last one. I'll add in my own special effects and stuff outside of class since I can't seem to figure out how to do it on Pro-Tools in class. I know it can be done I just don't have the patience or the time to be looking for it. So, audacity here I come!
As for my editing 2 final, Nathan said I was almost done... I need to work on the pacing a bit and then change this one jump cut... So frustrating. ::sighs:: It's weird how I have been posting pretty much everyday. I hope I can keep it up. I hate when I don't post anything for weeks. Well, I have to go to math now.. Oh joy... psh.. Take care!
Monday, March 12, 2007
To Hear Playlist
Here ya go

I had to post my list on another post so here ya go:
1. Anti-Saint - Chevelle
2. Well Enough Alone - Chevelle
3. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
4. Grand Theft Autumn (Where Is Your Boy) - Fall Out Boy
5. Chicago Is So Two Years Ago - Fall Out Boy
6. Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers - Fall Out Boy
7. Open - Chevelle
8. Get Some - Chevelle
9. Woman - Wolfmother
10. Everything's Just Wonderful - Lily Allen
11. Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
12. My Hero - Foo Fighters
13. Everlong - Foo Fighters
14. Darling Nikki - Foo Fighters
15. Date With The Night - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
16. Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
17. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
18. Rape Me - Nirvana
19. Cupid's Chokechold - Gym Class Heroes
20. Clothes Off! - Gym Class Heroes
21. Take Off Your Clothes - Morningwood
22. Passive - A Perfect Circle
23. Save The Last Dance For Me - Michael Buble
24. Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat) - The Immortals
25. Here In Your Arms - Hellogoodbye
26. Look After you - The Fray
27. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
28. Defying Gravity - Wicked
29. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
30. Piece By Piece - Strata
31. Never There - Strata
32. Little Sister - Queens of the Stone Age
33. No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
34. Broken Box - Queens of the Stone Age
35. Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) - Strata
36. Calling - Taproot
37. Birthday - Taproot
38. Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
39. Every Breath You Take - The Police
40. Walk Like An Egyptian - The Bangles
41. Nothing Compares 2 U - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
42. Wild World - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
43. Stand By Your Man - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
44. Science Fiction Double Feature - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
45. Phantom of the Opera - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
46. Who Put The Bomp - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
47. End of the Road - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
48. Goodbye Earl - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
49. She Believes In Me - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
50. Fernando - Abba
51. SOS - Abba
52. Chiquitita - Abba
53. Dancing Queen - A-Teens
54. Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson
55. (s)AINT - Marilyn Manson
56. Count On Me - Default
57. Deny - Default
58. It Only Hurts - Default
59. Foolin' - Def Leppard
60. Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard
61. Liar (It Takes Two) - Taking Back Sunday
62. Ex-Girlfriend - No Doubt
63. Don't Speak - No Doubt
64. Just A Girl - No Doubt
65. Riot - The Sounds
66. Fire - The Sounds
67. Dance With Me - The Sounds
68. Living In America - The Sounds
69. Snakes on a Plane (Bring It!) - Cobra Starship
70. Here It Goes Again - OK Go
71. Do What You Want - OK Go
72. Walk Idiot Walk - The Hives
73. Two Timing Touch & Broken Bones - The Hives
74. Hate To Say I Told You So - The Hives
75. Die, All Right! - The Hives
1. Anti-Saint - Chevelle
2. Well Enough Alone - Chevelle
3. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
4. Grand Theft Autumn (Where Is Your Boy) - Fall Out Boy
5. Chicago Is So Two Years Ago - Fall Out Boy
6. Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers - Fall Out Boy
7. Open - Chevelle
8. Get Some - Chevelle
9. Woman - Wolfmother
10. Everything's Just Wonderful - Lily Allen
11. Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
12. My Hero - Foo Fighters
13. Everlong - Foo Fighters
14. Darling Nikki - Foo Fighters
15. Date With The Night - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
16. Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
17. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
18. Rape Me - Nirvana
19. Cupid's Chokechold - Gym Class Heroes
20. Clothes Off! - Gym Class Heroes
21. Take Off Your Clothes - Morningwood
22. Passive - A Perfect Circle
23. Save The Last Dance For Me - Michael Buble
24. Techno Syndrome (Mortal Kombat) - The Immortals
25. Here In Your Arms - Hellogoodbye
26. Look After you - The Fray
27. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
28. Defying Gravity - Wicked
29. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
30. Piece By Piece - Strata
31. Never There - Strata
32. Little Sister - Queens of the Stone Age
33. No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
34. Broken Box - Queens of the Stone Age
35. Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) - Strata
36. Calling - Taproot
37. Birthday - Taproot
38. Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
39. Every Breath You Take - The Police
40. Walk Like An Egyptian - The Bangles
41. Nothing Compares 2 U - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
42. Wild World - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
43. Stand By Your Man - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
44. Science Fiction Double Feature - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
45. Phantom of the Opera - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
46. Who Put The Bomp - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
47. End of the Road - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
48. Goodbye Earl - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
49. She Believes In Me - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
50. Fernando - Abba
51. SOS - Abba
52. Chiquitita - Abba
53. Dancing Queen - A-Teens
54. Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson
55. (s)AINT - Marilyn Manson
56. Count On Me - Default
57. Deny - Default
58. It Only Hurts - Default
59. Foolin' - Def Leppard
60. Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard
61. Liar (It Takes Two) - Taking Back Sunday
62. Ex-Girlfriend - No Doubt
63. Don't Speak - No Doubt
64. Just A Girl - No Doubt
65. Riot - The Sounds
66. Fire - The Sounds
67. Dance With Me - The Sounds
68. Living In America - The Sounds
69. Snakes on a Plane (Bring It!) - Cobra Starship
70. Here It Goes Again - OK Go
71. Do What You Want - OK Go
72. Walk Idiot Walk - The Hives
73. Two Timing Touch & Broken Bones - The Hives
74. Hate To Say I Told You So - The Hives
75. Die, All Right! - The Hives
75 Spots All Filled
Well hello there folks,
I know, I have been posting some rather useless blogs. But, are my blogs really that moving anyway? haha. I was not feeling too good yesterday. In fact, I still feel blah. I do feel a little bit better but still.. blah. I never got around to seeing 300 this weekend. Which stinks cause that means I have to see it on Tuesday all by my lonesome during my four hour break between classes. It has to be done. I think it's a little amusing picturing me in the dark theatre taking notes on the editing.
::movie is playing::
Me: ::writes:: Uses lots of.. Wait.. What?? Damn.. Can you rewind please?
Audience: SHHHHH!!!
Me: Sorry....
Yea, I have an over active imagenation. It's what gets me through the day haha. It doesn't take too much to amuse me. Now one to the reason I am posting WOO!
Ok, so you know how a simple song can spark so many memories or just a particular one? Well, yesterday I discovered on my friend Corryn's myspace page that she had a playlist and I thought that was so cool. So I stole the idea from her, I let her know of course :D, and made my own. On each playlist you get a total of 75 songs. I filled each and every spot with a song. So I decided to post my list and if anyone is interested in knowing the story behind them they can comment and I'd love to share. So let's get this party started woo!!
I know, I have been posting some rather useless blogs. But, are my blogs really that moving anyway? haha. I was not feeling too good yesterday. In fact, I still feel blah. I do feel a little bit better but still.. blah. I never got around to seeing 300 this weekend. Which stinks cause that means I have to see it on Tuesday all by my lonesome during my four hour break between classes. It has to be done. I think it's a little amusing picturing me in the dark theatre taking notes on the editing.
::movie is playing::
Me: ::writes:: Uses lots of.. Wait.. What?? Damn.. Can you rewind please?
Audience: SHHHHH!!!
Me: Sorry....
Yea, I have an over active imagenation. It's what gets me through the day haha. It doesn't take too much to amuse me. Now one to the reason I am posting WOO!
Ok, so you know how a simple song can spark so many memories or just a particular one? Well, yesterday I discovered on my friend Corryn's myspace page that she had a playlist and I thought that was so cool. So I stole the idea from her, I let her know of course :D, and made my own. On each playlist you get a total of 75 songs. I filled each and every spot with a song. So I decided to post my list and if anyone is interested in knowing the story behind them they can comment and I'd love to share. So let's get this party started woo!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Too tired to write something meaningful but Well yea.. haha. Still need to see 300 bah! But I got Outbreak in the mail I may go watch that now. BYE!
Friday, March 9, 2007
WOOP WOOP! I bought the Spin Magazine with FOB on the cover, I bought two CDs of theirs and I also pre-ordered my copy of Chevelle's Vena Sera. WEEE. I can't wait! To top it off... They are shooting the video for Well Enough Alone out in Los Angeles on March 15th.. WEEEEEE. Must head to the shower.. Night!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Hey, Hey! She Don't Like Cocaine,...
...baby just likes how it smells says maybe you can drive me home if you want. ::dances:: 
I am really liking the song Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) by Strata. I know this song was released LONG ago but I never really had time to check it out. Now that I have, I really want to get their new album... But alas, it is not coming out until May... But this only confirms that this year is going to be one hell of a awesome year for music. That makes my total upcoming CD count up to 3. I am sure that number will grow as I discover more music.
I got an e-mail from the Lollapalooza site and they had a secret sale for 3-day passes for $60! That is a damn good deal! But, the line-up isn't even up yet so... Looks like it was good I wasn't able to get my pass just yet. Sucks I have to pay more but still I kind of want to know who is playing. Hopefully they listen to some of my suggestions.. hahaha.
So, I have to see the movie 300 this weekend for my midterm paper. It was shot like Sin City so maybe it will be very interesting since I liked Sin City. I have to watch the movie Outbreak too. Which I really don't mind because I really enjoy that movie.
I thought I had more to write about but I don't.. haha. YAY tonight is Denny's night. WOOP WOOP. Tuesday's Denny's night was.. Well it was a riot haha. hehehe... Take care people..
RUN, HIDE!, muahaha
P.S. Oh and if you want to see the video for Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) here is the link:
Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) - Strata Leave them comments. I am sure they will appreciate it very much. Take care! :D
I am really liking the song Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) by Strata. I know this song was released LONG ago but I never really had time to check it out. Now that I have, I really want to get their new album... But alas, it is not coming out until May... But this only confirms that this year is going to be one hell of a awesome year for music. That makes my total upcoming CD count up to 3. I am sure that number will grow as I discover more music.
I got an e-mail from the Lollapalooza site and they had a secret sale for 3-day passes for $60! That is a damn good deal! But, the line-up isn't even up yet so... Looks like it was good I wasn't able to get my pass just yet. Sucks I have to pay more but still I kind of want to know who is playing. Hopefully they listen to some of my suggestions.. hahaha.
So, I have to see the movie 300 this weekend for my midterm paper. It was shot like Sin City so maybe it will be very interesting since I liked Sin City. I have to watch the movie Outbreak too. Which I really don't mind because I really enjoy that movie.
I thought I had more to write about but I don't.. haha. YAY tonight is Denny's night. WOOP WOOP. Tuesday's Denny's night was.. Well it was a riot haha. hehehe... Take care people..
RUN, HIDE!, muahaha
P.S. Oh and if you want to see the video for Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) here is the link:
Cocaine (We're All Going To Hell) - Strata Leave them comments. I am sure they will appreciate it very much. Take care! :D
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Wipe That Smile Off Your F--king Face!
Wow, last night the song One & Only by Timbaland feat. Fall Out Boy was brought to my attention. I have to say that even though I don't listen to rap or hip hop all that much, if ever. But when I do I tend to like the stuff that Timbaland has done. It's always well done and pretty catchy. The collaboration between him and Fall Out Boy is no different. Very well done and great to not only bob your head to but dance to as well. And the line "Wipe that smile off your f--king face" is well just so perfect to sing along to. I am not one to really promote foul language in music but sometimes... Well, sometimes nothing else fits and there are a number of people who I'd like to say that line to. Overall I really liked the track so I looked up the tracklist and I decided to post it for you all and all the ones in the bold means I am excited to hear it:
Promotional Tracklist:
1. Oh [Intro]
2. Give to me ..........feat. Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake
3. Release .............feat. Justin Timberlake
4. The Way I Am ................feat. Keri Hilson & D.O.E.
5. Bounce .............feat. Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliott and Dr Dre
6. Come and get me ..............feat. 50 Cent & Tony Yayo
7. Kill [yuaseruhu] .............feat. Sebastian & Attitude
8. Board meeting ...............feat. Magoo
9. [huantaji] .................feat. Money
10. SCREAM ..............feat. Keri Hilson & Nicole Scherzinger (from PCD)
11. Mistake communication ..........feat. Keri Hilson & Sebastian
12. Bombay ..............feat. Amar & Jim Beanz
13. Throw It On Me ..............feat. Hives
14. Time .............feat She Wants Revenge
15. One & Only ............feat. Fall Out Boy
16. Apologize ..............feat One Republic
17. Last Piece Of The Puzzle ............feat. Elton John
18. Hello .............feat. Keri Hilson & Attitude
19. Come Around ...............feat. M.I.A.
This should be an interesting album to say the least and that is why I plan on buying it the day it comes out. It also happens to be the same day that Chevelle's new album Vena Sera comes out. Musical greatness that day! So far this year is turnning out to be a really awesome year for music. I haven't really bought cds in a while cause there wasn't really anything I was excited for. But now.. Now the music industry shall love my wallet. :D.
Speaking of music, another song was brought to my attention last night. It is called Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap. It is a really beautiful song. As you can hear I have posted it on a post last night. So much good music being made I can hardly keep in the excitement. WEE! I think that shall be all for now haha. Take care people!
Promotional Tracklist:
1. Oh [Intro]
2. Give to me ..........feat. Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake
3. Release .............feat. Justin Timberlake
4. The Way I Am ................feat. Keri Hilson & D.O.E.
5. Bounce .............feat. Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliott and Dr Dre
6. Come and get me ..............feat. 50 Cent & Tony Yayo
7. Kill [yuaseruhu] .............feat. Sebastian & Attitude
8. Board meeting ...............feat. Magoo
9. [huantaji] .................feat. Money
10. SCREAM ..............feat. Keri Hilson & Nicole Scherzinger (from PCD)
11. Mistake communication ..........feat. Keri Hilson & Sebastian
12. Bombay ..............feat. Amar & Jim Beanz
13. Throw It On Me ..............feat. Hives
14. Time .............feat She Wants Revenge
15. One & Only ............feat. Fall Out Boy
16. Apologize ..............feat One Republic
17. Last Piece Of The Puzzle ............feat. Elton John
18. Hello .............feat. Keri Hilson & Attitude
19. Come Around ...............feat. M.I.A.
This should be an interesting album to say the least and that is why I plan on buying it the day it comes out. It also happens to be the same day that Chevelle's new album Vena Sera comes out. Musical greatness that day! So far this year is turnning out to be a really awesome year for music. I haven't really bought cds in a while cause there wasn't really anything I was excited for. But now.. Now the music industry shall love my wallet. :D.
Speaking of music, another song was brought to my attention last night. It is called Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap. It is a really beautiful song. As you can hear I have posted it on a post last night. So much good music being made I can hardly keep in the excitement. WEE! I think that shall be all for now haha. Take care people!
fall out boy,
Hind and Seek,
Imogen Heap,
Shock Value,
Vena Sera
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek
I am absolutely in love with this song. Gives me tons of inspiration for writing :D
That's What Everyone's Talking About
Here is a survey I did on other blog pages. Enjoy :D
1. If you were to find out you were pregnant what would you do?
I would first go (O_O).. and then say "Whaa???" and then I would wonder "Am I like the next Virgin Mary??"
2. Do you trust your friends?
Yes I do
3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love?
It would have to be some kind of compromise but yea.
4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
I sure do.
5. Name one thing you would NOT tolerate in a relationship:
Only one? Well worst case scenario would be abuse but in general cheating.
6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best roommate for you?
HmMm pretty much all of my friends would make good roomates lol.
7. When was the last time you snuck out?
8. Are you afraid of falling in love?
9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
There are quite a few people who do that to me. :D
10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new guy/girl?
I surely would NOT! I could never do that to the people who mean the most to me.
11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
August 7th, 2006. ::sighs::
12. What was the last text message you sent?
"Yes! Where are the hot teachers?" to Jes hahaha
13. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Eyes, Smile, Sweet personalities.. A lot of things.. Oh Eyewear is a bonus ;)
14. Fill in the blank. I will NEVER _____.
Drink and smoke or do drugs
15. What are your goals in life?
1. Graduate college
2. Find a good job in the career field I chose
3. Be happy
and a lot of personal stuff.
16. When you get married, how would you envision your dream wedding?
Spring wedding in a grass field in England somewhere.
17. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended period of time, name some people you would call?
Mom, Sisters, Ky, Kate, Maryann, Marina, pretty much everyone on my top friends
18. How many kids do you want to have?
3 - 4
19. Would you make a good parent?
I hope so. I think I would make a cool parent :D
20. Where was your default pic taken?
The day I went to Disneyland
21. What is your middle name?
22. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
Um, if any of them did do you think I'd be single right now? lol
23. What's on your mind right now?
24. Are you musical?
I like to listen to it and I dabble a little in creating music.
25. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
Um, ask my gma about phone messages the two weeks before I found out I had to do my portfolio review.
What are you wearing right now:
Black Tuk shoes, Jeans, Star shirt with green sweater over and my red Yeah Yeah Yeahs hoodie
Best place to go for a date?
Um, somewhere fun.
Kind of pants: Jeans
Number: 1
Animal: Cats
Month: July
Juice: Grape
Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: Yes
Stitches: No, unless you count butterfly stitches
Broken nose: No
Plastic Surgery: No
Who knows you the best? Mom, Sisters, Ky, Kate, & Maryann
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? Neither.. ::cries:: I wish I wore glasses
Do you get along with your family? For the most part yea
1. Talk to someone you liked? Sort of
2. Buy something? I bought a scone
3. Get sick? No
4. Talked to an ex? Nope.
5. Miss someone? Lots of people
6. Get in a fight with someone? No
7. Have sex? No
6. Slept in your bed? Me
7. Saw you cry? Me
8. Made you cry? Me
1. If you were to find out you were pregnant what would you do?
I would first go (O_O).. and then say "Whaa???" and then I would wonder "Am I like the next Virgin Mary??"
2. Do you trust your friends?
Yes I do
3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love?
It would have to be some kind of compromise but yea.
4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
I sure do.
5. Name one thing you would NOT tolerate in a relationship:
Only one? Well worst case scenario would be abuse but in general cheating.
6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best roommate for you?
HmMm pretty much all of my friends would make good roomates lol.
7. When was the last time you snuck out?
8. Are you afraid of falling in love?
9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
There are quite a few people who do that to me. :D
10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new guy/girl?
I surely would NOT! I could never do that to the people who mean the most to me.
11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
August 7th, 2006. ::sighs::
12. What was the last text message you sent?
"Yes! Where are the hot teachers?" to Jes hahaha
13. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Eyes, Smile, Sweet personalities.. A lot of things.. Oh Eyewear is a bonus ;)
14. Fill in the blank. I will NEVER _____.
Drink and smoke or do drugs
15. What are your goals in life?
1. Graduate college
2. Find a good job in the career field I chose
3. Be happy
and a lot of personal stuff.
16. When you get married, how would you envision your dream wedding?
Spring wedding in a grass field in England somewhere.
17. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended period of time, name some people you would call?
Mom, Sisters, Ky, Kate, Maryann, Marina, pretty much everyone on my top friends
18. How many kids do you want to have?
3 - 4
19. Would you make a good parent?
I hope so. I think I would make a cool parent :D
20. Where was your default pic taken?
The day I went to Disneyland
21. What is your middle name?
22. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
Um, if any of them did do you think I'd be single right now? lol
23. What's on your mind right now?
24. Are you musical?
I like to listen to it and I dabble a little in creating music.
25. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
Um, ask my gma about phone messages the two weeks before I found out I had to do my portfolio review.
What are you wearing right now:
Black Tuk shoes, Jeans, Star shirt with green sweater over and my red Yeah Yeah Yeahs hoodie
Best place to go for a date?
Um, somewhere fun.
Kind of pants: Jeans
Number: 1
Animal: Cats
Month: July
Juice: Grape
Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: Yes
Stitches: No, unless you count butterfly stitches
Broken nose: No
Plastic Surgery: No
Who knows you the best? Mom, Sisters, Ky, Kate, & Maryann
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? Neither.. ::cries:: I wish I wore glasses
Do you get along with your family? For the most part yea
1. Talk to someone you liked? Sort of
2. Buy something? I bought a scone
3. Get sick? No
4. Talked to an ex? Nope.
5. Miss someone? Lots of people
6. Get in a fight with someone? No
7. Have sex? No
6. Slept in your bed? Me
7. Saw you cry? Me
8. Made you cry? Me
Monday, March 5, 2007
Hey (hey), You (you)
Just checking in again since I have so much time on my hands at the moment. When you don't really have any homework to do the amount of nothingness that adds up is... Well, nothingness.. haha. That damn Avril Lavigne song, Girlfriend, has been stuck in my head! ERR. I personally prefer the direction she was going on her last album. I am not sure why she went the POP route. But ehh, if it got stuck in my head then it was a successful song wasn't it?
I speant a good chunk of my free time checking out one of the blogs that Aleem mentioned to me on Friday. johnaugust.com is a really good read. It is really informative and I am really glad Aleem told me about the blog. I have a lot to catch up on the site, he posts pretty regularly so there are a ton of posts I have yet to read. I am curious to read the other blogs that Aleem mentioned.
Jes, I just want you to know that things will work out! ::hugs::
I think this is all for me. I am craving some num nums so I may get some. :D Take care!
p.s. I must remember to check this site out: Backpackit
Just checking in again since I have so much time on my hands at the moment. When you don't really have any homework to do the amount of nothingness that adds up is... Well, nothingness.. haha. That damn Avril Lavigne song, Girlfriend, has been stuck in my head! ERR. I personally prefer the direction she was going on her last album. I am not sure why she went the POP route. But ehh, if it got stuck in my head then it was a successful song wasn't it?
I speant a good chunk of my free time checking out one of the blogs that Aleem mentioned to me on Friday. johnaugust.com is a really good read. It is really informative and I am really glad Aleem told me about the blog. I have a lot to catch up on the site, he posts pretty regularly so there are a ton of posts I have yet to read. I am curious to read the other blogs that Aleem mentioned.
Jes, I just want you to know that things will work out! ::hugs::
I think this is all for me. I am craving some num nums so I may get some. :D Take care!
p.s. I must remember to check this site out: Backpackit
Avril Lavigne,
John August
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Here is my musical playlist up to this moment:
Snitches And Talkers Get Stitches And Walkers – Fall Out Boy
I Fought The Law (Cover) - Colin Farrell
Diamond Sea (acoustic) – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Waiting – Strata
The Panic – Strata
So Sick (Live Acoustic - BBC Radio) – Patrick Stump
I Write Sins Not Tragedies – Panic! At The Disco
But It's Better When We Do – Panic! At The Disco
Everything's Just Wonderful – Lily Allen
Riff #2 - Joseph VS. Patrick – Joe Trohman and Patrick Stump
Here In Your Arms – Hellogoodbye
Look After You – The Fray
All My Life – Foo Fighters
Come Back – Foo Fighters
Calm Before The Storm – Fall Out Boy
Chicago Is So Two Years Ago – Fall Out Boy
Grand Theft Autumn – Fall Out Boy
Well Enough Alone – Chevelle
Anti-Saint - Chevelle
Snitches And Talkers Get Stitches And Walkers – Fall Out Boy
I Fought The Law (Cover) - Colin Farrell
Diamond Sea (acoustic) – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Waiting – Strata
The Panic – Strata
So Sick (Live Acoustic - BBC Radio) – Patrick Stump
I Write Sins Not Tragedies – Panic! At The Disco
But It's Better When We Do – Panic! At The Disco
Everything's Just Wonderful – Lily Allen
Riff #2 - Joseph VS. Patrick – Joe Trohman and Patrick Stump
Here In Your Arms – Hellogoodbye
Look After You – The Fray
All My Life – Foo Fighters
Come Back – Foo Fighters
Calm Before The Storm – Fall Out Boy
Chicago Is So Two Years Ago – Fall Out Boy
Grand Theft Autumn – Fall Out Boy
Well Enough Alone – Chevelle
Anti-Saint - Chevelle
Friday, March 2, 2007
Our Lips, Can Touch. Our Cheeks, Can Brush.
Ok I just wanted to say... I SO overreacted about that portfolio review thing. I was stressing over nothing. They were nothing but kind and very helpful to me. I got everything worked out and I will be graduating in June. Sort of scary... EEEP!
Well, to start of I woke up today around 6 am nervous as hell about that portfolio review. I was ready by 8 am and I just waited for Marina to come pick me up. My mom saw that I was very nervous and tried to get me to relax but I was basically in a panic. I really did think that I was going to get pounded on about how little I had to offer. 9 am comes around and Marina comes and picks me up. We are both freaking out haha. We get there about an hour before she has to do her portfolio review. So to waste time we watched each others editing projects. The first guy was 8 minutes late and they spent over 20 minutes with him. They finally get to Marina and I wished her well when she left. It seemed like she was gone for a while. But, I talked to a couple of peers of mine. We caught up on old times and different stories. Apparently I wasn't the only one who was told last minute about this thing haha.
Slowly after everyone ahead of me goes there is only one person left that is ahead of me and he just walked out of the room to go somewhere. So I am sitting alone reading my book and then Aleem comes in looking for that guy. He never found him so he wrote him a note and then took me to the room where the review was to happen. I was freaking out inside. But the whole experience was very pleasent. There are a few things I need to work on and just some things I need to keep in contact with them on.
I don't really want to go to work tomorrow but I have to. Sucks when you need money haha. Well, I guess that will be all for now. Take care people! :D
Ok I just wanted to say... I SO overreacted about that portfolio review thing. I was stressing over nothing. They were nothing but kind and very helpful to me. I got everything worked out and I will be graduating in June. Sort of scary... EEEP!
Well, to start of I woke up today around 6 am nervous as hell about that portfolio review. I was ready by 8 am and I just waited for Marina to come pick me up. My mom saw that I was very nervous and tried to get me to relax but I was basically in a panic. I really did think that I was going to get pounded on about how little I had to offer. 9 am comes around and Marina comes and picks me up. We are both freaking out haha. We get there about an hour before she has to do her portfolio review. So to waste time we watched each others editing projects. The first guy was 8 minutes late and they spent over 20 minutes with him. They finally get to Marina and I wished her well when she left. It seemed like she was gone for a while. But, I talked to a couple of peers of mine. We caught up on old times and different stories. Apparently I wasn't the only one who was told last minute about this thing haha.
Slowly after everyone ahead of me goes there is only one person left that is ahead of me and he just walked out of the room to go somewhere. So I am sitting alone reading my book and then Aleem comes in looking for that guy. He never found him so he wrote him a note and then took me to the room where the review was to happen. I was freaking out inside. But the whole experience was very pleasent. There are a few things I need to work on and just some things I need to keep in contact with them on.
I don't really want to go to work tomorrow but I have to. Sucks when you need money haha. Well, I guess that will be all for now. Take care people! :D
Thursday, March 1, 2007
I Feel A Migraine Coming On...
I am tired of all this damn stress!!! I will be happy when I get my portfolio review over with AND that meeting with Mark done. I want to know what is going to be happening next quarter cause it is supposed to be my last one.
I will seriously break down crying if tomorrow goes badly. I am not even just saying it as a joke. I will cry. I have a gut feeling that I am gonna be torn apart about what I submitted and everything. I honestly am really proud of the two essays I submitted. I think they represent me pretty well as a writer. But I may be COMPLETELY off by that. I really hope I am just over reacting. ::sighs::
I can feel this crippling migraine coming on with all this lack of sleep. I have been so consumed by Portfolio review stuff and midterms that my sleep has been lacking big time. I can feel the pressure of my headache on the side of my head.. Not cool. With all this stress I think it's been making me sick. I have been nauseous and not myself lately. Sometimes I feel as if I am losing my mind and I break down crying cause I am so frustrated. I am really looking forward to Chicago more now.
I got to hear Chevelle's song Anti-Saint today. Very good stuff! The more I listen the more I like. I was going to write more but I really don't have anything to write about. Just stuff I'd rather keep to myself. Take care folks!
I will seriously break down crying if tomorrow goes badly. I am not even just saying it as a joke. I will cry. I have a gut feeling that I am gonna be torn apart about what I submitted and everything. I honestly am really proud of the two essays I submitted. I think they represent me pretty well as a writer. But I may be COMPLETELY off by that. I really hope I am just over reacting. ::sighs::
I can feel this crippling migraine coming on with all this lack of sleep. I have been so consumed by Portfolio review stuff and midterms that my sleep has been lacking big time. I can feel the pressure of my headache on the side of my head.. Not cool. With all this stress I think it's been making me sick. I have been nauseous and not myself lately. Sometimes I feel as if I am losing my mind and I break down crying cause I am so frustrated. I am really looking forward to Chicago more now.
I got to hear Chevelle's song Anti-Saint today. Very good stuff! The more I listen the more I like. I was going to write more but I really don't have anything to write about. Just stuff I'd rather keep to myself. Take care folks!
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