Thursday, March 15, 2007


I just got the soundtrack for the movie 300. :D x 1,000,000,000. Words cannot explain just how excited I am to have finally got my hands on it. For me, everything in that movie worked but the music.. The music just made the movie over the top. So may argue that the movie lacked a proper story.. But I say.. That is what the narration is for. Anyway back to the post.

So I was looking at my myspace earlier and under where it says education it says High school. It all of a sudden hit me that in the next few months that is going to change to college. That is a bit freaky cause I was not expecting to be out so soon. Life moves fast and you have to slow it down a bit people. Before you know it you're on your death bed. EEP!

So, I am avoiding doing my math homework at the moment cause well I don't want to do it. Matt told me to check out this band Fishbone and I did that this morning. They are pretty cool. I like ska :D. Let's see what other randomness I can put.. HmMm.. Oh, I had to buy earphones from school today cause the ones I had went dead and we all know I can't live without my music! They have good sound but the only thing is they hurt my ears after a while and they are bulky. I haven't really been doing much just catching up on the latest blog from John August's blog. So I shall end this here cause I don't know what else to say. BYE!

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