An open letter to you.
Hi there,
By now you should be reading this letter while you play whatever random music you have playing at the moment.
Well, I wanted to let you know I did receive your letter you sent me. I am very flattered by what you have written but your perception of me is not real. Trying to find the words that won’t hurt your or even come off as rude is becoming more and more of a challenge as I write this to you.
There are a million things that I could list to prove your thoughts of me as false. But I will simply state that I am just no good for you. You deserve someone who you can depend on and who isn’t a flake such as I. You deserve to be with a man who has confidence in himself. You certainly could be with a much better looking man than myself.
I am not smart or talented or even funny. I really would be a terrible match for you. I don’t say these things to hurt you or to say that oh I don’t know. It is because I think the world of you that I think you could do much better than myself no matter how I felt. I won’t let you settle for the coal when you can get the diamond. I will just hold you back and I don’t want that for you.
I see great things for you and I don’t want to be the thing that keeps you from reaching greatness. So my friend will you please promise me you will continue on your quest for greatness? I know you will find that man whom you wrote about in that letter you sent me. Take care.
- The Coal.
This is just something that came to me as I was watching an interview with an actor. I am thinking of posting the response from the girl. We shall see. Enjoy!
Basically this is just a blog full of randomness, rants, and things that I find rather interesting that I wanted to share with you all. Well, for anyone who actually reads this. Weird = Fun. Remember that :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Trying To Reach My Happy Place
It doesn’t seem to be working too well at the moment.
All I want is to go to my happy place. A little place in my mind where everything is calm and quiet. A place where I can find clarity in the mess that I call my brain.
I try to drown out the TV. The screaming one year old. The all around chatter that is from the people in my household.
I put on my headphones and search for a song. Any song. Just one song that I can listen to that will drown out all of that mess.
First song. Not helping. I turn the volume up. Nope, didn’t help. I can still hear it all.
I need to get to my happy place. I need to reach it.
Next song, was a waste since it was mostly noise anyway.
I still hear the mess. I still feel like I am going insane. I turn the volume up four notches. Please get me to my happy place.
I found a song. Still isn’t loud enough though. I turn it up another five notches. The music is pounding on my eardrums. I close my eyes and press the headphones harder against my ears. I will reach my happy place.
I am venturing into this world of mine where I am free. I have no responsibilities. I have no worries. All I hear is my song. The song that is aiding me on my quest to find my happy place. It doesn’t matter if the volume is too loud. I like it loud.
Each note that hits my ears is a pleasure. I can breathe. I am reaching that grassy field in the sun and I am reaching clarity. I need to reach my happy place.
I can feel the sun. I just need to go a little further. I don’t care how much the volume hurts I just want everything to go away. I just want to be in my happy place.
No more tears. No more yells. No more fits. No more anything. JUST PEACE!
I sit and endure the pain until I reach my happy place.
All I want is to go to my happy place. A little place in my mind where everything is calm and quiet. A place where I can find clarity in the mess that I call my brain.
I try to drown out the TV. The screaming one year old. The all around chatter that is from the people in my household.
I put on my headphones and search for a song. Any song. Just one song that I can listen to that will drown out all of that mess.
First song. Not helping. I turn the volume up. Nope, didn’t help. I can still hear it all.
I need to get to my happy place. I need to reach it.
Next song, was a waste since it was mostly noise anyway.
I still hear the mess. I still feel like I am going insane. I turn the volume up four notches. Please get me to my happy place.
I found a song. Still isn’t loud enough though. I turn it up another five notches. The music is pounding on my eardrums. I close my eyes and press the headphones harder against my ears. I will reach my happy place.
I am venturing into this world of mine where I am free. I have no responsibilities. I have no worries. All I hear is my song. The song that is aiding me on my quest to find my happy place. It doesn’t matter if the volume is too loud. I like it loud.
Each note that hits my ears is a pleasure. I can breathe. I am reaching that grassy field in the sun and I am reaching clarity. I need to reach my happy place.
I can feel the sun. I just need to go a little further. I don’t care how much the volume hurts I just want everything to go away. I just want to be in my happy place.
No more tears. No more yells. No more fits. No more anything. JUST PEACE!
I sit and endure the pain until I reach my happy place.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Ahh, Swedish Films

La Film Festival Recap – Day 4: Last Day
Day 4 – Theatre shift at the Billy Wilder Theatre – Film: You, The Living
So the day had it’s fair share of hits and misses on my way to the film festival. I left early so I can go to work to pick up my check so I could cash it. Only to realize that I had left my bus schedule on the dining room table. Luckily my sister would meet me on the bus to give it to me.
Like the past couple of days before I had arrived in Westwood a couple of hours early. This time I couldn’t stop at The Corner Bakery Café. I had to scout for an easy location my grandfather could pick my up from. Soon, I remember parking lot 36 from the Kodak Speed Dating day. I told him where to pick me up and I decided to check out the local art exhibit that was ending that week.
The exhibit was on Shinjo Ito’s work. It had all of his sculptures, photographs and other works. It was a free exhibit and when I walked in they gave me a free gift. It was kind of warm inside but the work was very lovely. They had this book were guests could sign their name, draw or write a message. I wrote a small message and took advantage of the other colors that were available and drew a little smiley face.
I still had some time before I had to go start my shift over at the Billy Wilder Theatre. So I went to this local Italian Ice Cream shop. I got a cup of Tiramisu flavored gelato. It was amazing to feel the cold slide down my throat. I was instantly chilled and I decided to read up on the other facts that were on other ice creams from the flyer in front of me. I also decided to see what my gift was that I had got at the art exhibit. It was a pendent like thing. It had a star, two circles and a white piece with Shinjo Ito’s signature on it. It really is quite lovely and I have it on my work badge now.
Once I finished my treat I decided to walk around the now busy Westwood. It was definitely different than what I had initially experienced the day before. It wasn’t quite as pleasant. With all the honking and stuff it took away from the quaintness of it all.
Before I knew it, it was time to go start my shift. I arrive and wait for a bit before my shift manager, Danielle, arrives. Only one other scheduled volunteer showed up. It wasn’t very long before two more showed up that were sent from other locations. We helped manage the lines and this time my job duty was to pass out the voting ballot to the people.
What I liked about this last shift was that I actually got to watch the film itself. It is pretty random but I found myself laughing and I was glad that I got to watch at least one film from the festival.
After the film let out I helped collect and count the tickets and ballots. I had to stay a little bit over my time because well, only one person from the next shift showed up and there was no one else to cover for me. Once someone showed up I was allowed to leave and not too long after that I met up with my grandfather.
So ends my LA Film Fest adventure. I am sure I will be volunteering again next year. It was a very pleasant experience and I liked meeting all the new people I came across. Thank you all for reading. ☺
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
So I Waited…
LA Film Festival Recap – Day 3
Day 3 – Shift at the Volunteer Booth at the corner of Kinross and Broxton
It was another early day to start at the festival. So naturally I was in Westwood entirely too early like the day before. Only since, I have discovered the Corner Bakery I had some place to rest and have a nice breakfast. The only problem was I now had an extra half hour and since I was done with my food I decided to take a stroll around Westwood in this early hour.
The shops were starting to open and the way the sunlight hit the windows reminded me of some place I was in a dream I had in the distant path. It felt peaceful; it was like I was walking somewhere close to home. I was alone but not really alone. People were around me but I was alone in my thoughts.
One thought was, “I would like to live here one day.” It really was that lovely. As busy as Westwood is, in the morning it feels like a small town in the middle of nowhere. Everyone is pleasant and the shops are quaint. I realized that I had walked entirely too fast and I still had some time before my shift was to start. So another stroll around the block it was. Once I found it to be early enough to head over to the booth I found that no one was there yet. The booth was completely closed.
I sit on a near by bench and I read a festival guide that someone has left behind. Once I had read that through I just sat there waiting. I waited, and waited and waited. My shift was supposed to start at 9:30AM but no one was there. I got tired of sitting so I went to stand by the booth hoping that someone would arrive.
It was just after 10AM when Nancy and Tracy finally showed up. They apologized for being late. Soon after that I had to follow Nancy back to the office to help her bring back some things to the booth. On the way there she asked me how I was enjoying the festival so far. I told her I really enjoyed the theatre shift but when it came to the Kodak Speed Dating I didn’t like that as much. The look and her face was that of an “Uh Oh..” she said “Well, you may have to go there again today. They are short on volunteers.” I screamed in my mind. I begged and pleaded with her hoping that my vibrations would some how reach her and change her mind about sending me back to the dreaded Kodak Speed Dating.
Once we finished with the office stuff we had to walk back to the now dreaded Target Red Room. Once we were inside we were informed that I was no longer needed. I am not sorry to say that I let out a huge sigh of relief. Soon I was back at the volunteer booth getting the rundown of how things were done there. From then on I mostly just sat and looked at the festival guide and answered questions for people.
I only got to leave the booth twice. The first time was to go to the office to pick up some more badges for the booth. The second time I was to help out on transportation pick up. I soon met my companion for the ride, Anderson. We were driving to LAX to pick up a filmmaker. He is originally from England and he was quite amusing. I learned that he was an acting couch that specializes in children. The song “No Air” by Jordin Sparks came on the radio. Anderson commented, “This song was nice the first thousand times I have heard it.” and I responded, “Funny, I’ve never heard it before.” He looked very surprised. He then said “It has been playing non-stop since it hit the radio. I swear every other song they play it.”
Soon we reached LAX but we arrived at the wrong terminal. Once we found the correct terminal it felt like a wild goose hunt trying to find Virgin America’s arrival board. When I finally reached it I saw that the filmmakers flight had been delayed. With a quick phone call to Anderson he told me to then wait by the doors where the passengers would be walking out. It was 1:17PM and I really had to use the bathroom so I ran to use the bathroom all the while praying that I hadn’t missed the filmmaker.
I then stood by the doors for over a half hour before the filmmaker arrived. He was very friendly and he apologized for having me wait for so long. We then took him to his hotel and Anderson dropped me off at the ticket office and we said our goodbyes. And so that ends my third day at the festival!
Day 3 – Shift at the Volunteer Booth at the corner of Kinross and Broxton
It was another early day to start at the festival. So naturally I was in Westwood entirely too early like the day before. Only since, I have discovered the Corner Bakery I had some place to rest and have a nice breakfast. The only problem was I now had an extra half hour and since I was done with my food I decided to take a stroll around Westwood in this early hour.
The shops were starting to open and the way the sunlight hit the windows reminded me of some place I was in a dream I had in the distant path. It felt peaceful; it was like I was walking somewhere close to home. I was alone but not really alone. People were around me but I was alone in my thoughts.
One thought was, “I would like to live here one day.” It really was that lovely. As busy as Westwood is, in the morning it feels like a small town in the middle of nowhere. Everyone is pleasant and the shops are quaint. I realized that I had walked entirely too fast and I still had some time before my shift was to start. So another stroll around the block it was. Once I found it to be early enough to head over to the booth I found that no one was there yet. The booth was completely closed.
I sit on a near by bench and I read a festival guide that someone has left behind. Once I had read that through I just sat there waiting. I waited, and waited and waited. My shift was supposed to start at 9:30AM but no one was there. I got tired of sitting so I went to stand by the booth hoping that someone would arrive.
It was just after 10AM when Nancy and Tracy finally showed up. They apologized for being late. Soon after that I had to follow Nancy back to the office to help her bring back some things to the booth. On the way there she asked me how I was enjoying the festival so far. I told her I really enjoyed the theatre shift but when it came to the Kodak Speed Dating I didn’t like that as much. The look and her face was that of an “Uh Oh..” she said “Well, you may have to go there again today. They are short on volunteers.” I screamed in my mind. I begged and pleaded with her hoping that my vibrations would some how reach her and change her mind about sending me back to the dreaded Kodak Speed Dating.
Once we finished with the office stuff we had to walk back to the now dreaded Target Red Room. Once we were inside we were informed that I was no longer needed. I am not sorry to say that I let out a huge sigh of relief. Soon I was back at the volunteer booth getting the rundown of how things were done there. From then on I mostly just sat and looked at the festival guide and answered questions for people.
I only got to leave the booth twice. The first time was to go to the office to pick up some more badges for the booth. The second time I was to help out on transportation pick up. I soon met my companion for the ride, Anderson. We were driving to LAX to pick up a filmmaker. He is originally from England and he was quite amusing. I learned that he was an acting couch that specializes in children. The song “No Air” by Jordin Sparks came on the radio. Anderson commented, “This song was nice the first thousand times I have heard it.” and I responded, “Funny, I’ve never heard it before.” He looked very surprised. He then said “It has been playing non-stop since it hit the radio. I swear every other song they play it.”
Soon we reached LAX but we arrived at the wrong terminal. Once we found the correct terminal it felt like a wild goose hunt trying to find Virgin America’s arrival board. When I finally reached it I saw that the filmmakers flight had been delayed. With a quick phone call to Anderson he told me to then wait by the doors where the passengers would be walking out. It was 1:17PM and I really had to use the bathroom so I ran to use the bathroom all the while praying that I hadn’t missed the filmmaker.
I then stood by the doors for over a half hour before the filmmaker arrived. He was very friendly and he apologized for having me wait for so long. We then took him to his hotel and Anderson dropped me off at the ticket office and we said our goodbyes. And so that ends my third day at the festival!
Monday, June 30, 2008
I Thought This Was Speed Dating…

LA Film Festival Recap – Day 2
Day 2 – Kodak Speed Dating in the Target Red Room
That day was started off on an early note. I had to arise at 4 AM to get ready to leave around 5:27 AM with my mother. My shift for the festival starts at 9 AM and to even make it there on time I would have to leave a few hours before hand. I would end up arriving to my destination two hours early.
Great you say? No. Horrible I say! Have you been in Westwood at 7 AM? There is absolutely nothing to do that early! But, luckily for me I discovered The Corner Bakery Café. It was a delightful little escape to sit down and wait for my shift to start. I wasn’t feeling particularly hungry that day. So, I just ordered some orange juice and an orange cranberry scone. I was served fairly quick and I decided to sit at a table outside. It was much cooler this particular morning and the cool air was refreshing. I opened my little baggy and to my surprise my scone was actually warm.

This was a great start of a day for me. Now why is a warm scone a great start? Well, it’s those little things that just warm you up. Hence, the warm scone, I have become accustomed to stale or just cold scones that I forgot what joy a warm bakery good could bring. Needless to say it was delicious and I had planned on returning for lunch before I went home.
I went in 15 minutes early like I was instructed to. Only, there really wasn’t anything for me to do. There was only one other volunteer there as well. She was already busy straightening things up and I was pretty much obsolete at that point. So, I found some post cards to straighten up that took up a total of 5 seconds. The other volunteer’s name was Roxanne and she was a delightful lady. We spoke about our experience at the festival so far and such. I learned that she is a resident of Westwood and she seemed pretty proud of her city. It was nice to see someone take the time to do what he or she can for his or her city. She told me about this art exhibit that was across the street. You’ll hear more about that in a later post.
Soon our shift manager, Molly, arrives. I get assigned parking duty. I took a stand, sign and an envelope full of parking passes to parking lot 36. My job required me to stand by the sign and wait for ten film executives to arrive so I could give them their parking passes and to answer any questions that they would have about the festival. Note that the time I started that job was 9:40 AM.
9:45AM – The sign fell due to the breeze and I pick it up.
9:48AM – Two executives arrive and I give them their passes.
9:52AM – The sign falls again.
10:00AM – Staring off into the distance and UCLA students flash me their parking permits.
10:02AM – Sign falls again. I move sign from original spot to another spot without a breeze.
10:10AM – More UCLA Students and one person asking about the police department parking lot.
10:15AM – Another film executive shows up.
10:17AM – I stop the sign from falling again
10:20AM – I get a call from Seth from the Volunteer booth informing me of the next day’s shift.
10:22AM – Again, I stop the sign from falling and I move it once more.
10:35AM – Another film executive arrives.
10:40AM – The last film executive arrives.
10:41 – 11AM – I fight with the sign and I get a call from Jane to come back to the Target Red Room. FREEDOM!
I walk back to the Red Room expecting there to be a lot of stuff happening. I imagined they would have me doing a lot of little activities and such. No, I arrive and my next job required me to stand around until Jane gave out the two-minute warning. Which, I would then hold two fingers up and walk to all the ten tables and inform the people they have two minutes to finish their conversations. Can you say it any clearer? B-O-R-I-N-G!
So, to all of you in the dark, The Kodak Speed Dating event was 10 film executives talking to 10 filmmakers about their films and such. Basically they were all pitching their films. Which was sort of interesting if it weren’t for the fact that if one of them got the slightest hint that you were listening they would start to get paranoid. One thing that I learned was whenever the day should come for me to pitch a script I need to be confident. I loved how they were all pretty relaxed and looked as if they were just having a normal conversation with the executives. The day I worked on was Documentary day. So. It was all documentary filmmakers in the room.
Once that was all finished I got my second movie voucher and I was allowed to leave. As I promised myself I went back to the Corner Bakery Café and got my lunch and then headed home.
End of day 2!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Long Awaited...

LA Film Festival recap – Day 1
Hello there everyone. Some people have been asking me to write my post about my little experience volunteering for the LA Film Fest. Well here it is folks!!! It will be split though. Enjoy. :D
Day 1 – Theatre Shift at the Landmark Theatre – Film: Poker House
The day started out as good as it could be I guess. I catch all my busses on time and I get to my location an hour earlier. I am happy to be there so early when I realize that the next location that I have to go to pick up my volunteer shirt and badge is well over a mile away. The clock is set at 2pm and running. Destination: the corner of Broxton and Kinross. Time limit is to be one hour to and back. I start walking from the corner of Pico and Westwood.
I am heading down Westwood. As I am unsure if I am heading in the right direction I called my Aunt Linda to give me some directions. Turns out I am heading in the right direction. I walk for what seems likes forever. I walk uphill and I walk across long crosswalks. I walk past slow walkers and bypass kids selling candy. I finally make it to my destination. I check the time, 2:43pm; there is no way I am going to make it back to the Landmark by 3pm.
I pick up my t-shirt and my badge. Then next thing I know I have to get my photo taken. Great, I am sweaty, read and hot and now I have to take a photo. I write my first and last name in large print on a blue paper and stand in the sun a smirk for the camera. I see that one of the volunteer managers, Shelly to be precise, is also at the booth. So, I say to her “Shelly, I just wanted to let you know I am going to be late for my shift at the Landmark. I had to walk from there to here to get my shirt and my badge.” Her eyes widen and she responds “You walked from the landmark to here?” and I say, “Yes.” She soon puts stars next to my name as a reward for my effort and she informs me that she will call ahead and let the people know I would be late.
I start my journey back to the landmark. I see a Big Blue Bus and I decided to ask if they stopped at Pico. Which they did, so I paid my 75 cents and put on my shirt and badge. I am cooled and relieved that I will not be late like I had originally thought. I reach my stop and off the bus I go.
I walk into the theatre and I ask an associate if he could please inform me the location of John Olivas or Kent, my shift managers. He says, “I don’t know who they are. You should go to concierge maybe they could walkie them” I walk over to the concierge and the guy there tells me, “I have no idea where those guys are. They are around here some where.” Gee, thanks.. Ass.. So I wander around to the third floor where I meet up with Kent. There is only one other volunteer there, Sarah is her name, and he tells me to relax and wait for the others to arrive. He gives me a bottle of water and I sit on the nice little cushioned bench.
Not too much longer Sarah sits down beside me and we start chatting about films and such. She is quite a lovely woman. She is very friendly and funny. Soon the other volunteers arrive and we get assigned our jobs. I am to be the ticket taker for this event. As we wait in our positions I see the lovely Lori Petty walk out of the theatre. She directed the film, Poker House, and she had just gone over some technical stuff. She passes by me and says hello. I say hello back and I was surprised at how calm I was. I was pretty proud of my composure.
People start arriving and I take their tickets. There is nothing too exciting to report on there, sorry. The film starts and then Lori comes out visibly upset because the screen has gone black. The tech people are scurrying to fix the problem. I would love to say that was the end of it but sadly, the film went black two more times. Lori is very upset, as she should be. The theatre is sold out and they are sitting in there watching a black screen.
What people don’t realize or would call a hissy fit from directors is that their films are their babies. All the work they put in to making, producing, editing and everything else that comes along with it is a lot of hard work. It has to become their baby and for your film to keep stopping and blacking out like that. Well, it is pretty bad. So what some people would consider a bad thing I saw as understandable. I would have done the same thing as Lori.
Back to the day; well, after they finally got the film to play we counted the tickets and we were told to take a break. After a quick walk around the mall we arrive to see the next shift of volunteers arrive and John decides to let us off early. So ends my volunteer shift of day one!
All in all it was pretty eventful and I got to meet some great people.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

The things that you would like to forget always find a way of popping up.
I was sitting at the bus stop today and as I was staring off into the distance a thought came to me that I hadn’t wanted to think about. The thought was one of the many images of my grandmother lying in her hospital bed dying. Even now the thought makes me want to cry.
I try so hard to remember my grandmother the way she used to be. I have no idea if it is because these are the most recent or what but the thoughts that I don’t want of her seem to make themselves present all the more.
The things I see are like this:
It is a cold and dark hospital room. My grandmother is lying there struggling to breathe. She has one of those air tubes in her nose and at times when her breathing was really bad they would put an oxygen mask on her. She is surrounded by all of her children. Her four daughters and her only son. There right by her side is my grandfather. There are so many people that all the chairs have been taken. My sisters and myself sit on the floor. I hate how I remember this. I hate how I saw her try so hard to live only for her to die. I hated seeing her scared. If she was scared then how will I be when my time comes?
I know everyone has his or her time but I just fear the unknown of it all. This year was rough enough as it is and the fact that these thoughts keep coming back to my mind angers me more. I want to remember the times she was happy. I want to remember her loud and contagious laugh. I want to be able to hear her walking down the hall again. The simplest childhood memories are starting to fade. I fear that I will not remember all of those things that made my grandmother who she was. That thought saddens me because I know those childhood memories would be an immense comfort to me.
I guess one thing that I want the most is to know if she was proud of me. I was never really home that much because I was either at school of at work. I’d like to thing she was proud of me. I was the first grandchild to graduate college. Would she be proud of me now? Who knows? The time has come to end this and prepare myself for work. Another three days of standing and scanning.
**Note** this was written on Friday in my notebook.
Upcoming Events

An update
Hello to you all, I have finally set aside some time for myself to write a proper update. How exciting ehh?
As I have mentioned before I was waiting for my volunteer schedule for the Los Angeles Film Festival. I had received my schedule on the 10th. I will be working at the festival June 23rd – June 26th.
My first day will be a theatre shift. What is a theatre shift? Well, basically my job duties will be to help manage the lines, take tickets and ushering. I will be at the Landmark 8 theatre at 3 pm – 6:15 pm. I actually don’t know what film I will be helping to be shown but I am sure it will be a good one.
My second day I will be working in the Target Red Room. I am not sure what my job duties will entail but it has something to do with the Kodak Speed Dating. No I will not be a participant. I will be helping in some way. I think it is more of a networking type of thing rather than actual dating. If I remember how they described it at the volunteer meeting correctly. We shall see what it is when I work it. The time I will be there is 9 am – 1 pm.
My third day will consist of helping in the volunteer booth. I will be handing out t-shirts and badges to other volunteers and give general information to the public. Shift will be at 9:30am – 2:30 pm.
Last and certainly not least will be another theatre shift. It will be at the Billy Wilder Theatre from 3 pm – 7 pm. Again no idea what film will be shown so… Yeah… Haha.
So during that week and a couple of weeks after that my aunt will have her kids in Sacramento. So I will not be baby-sitting for a while. I have no idea what I will do but I hope it to be productive. One thing is for sure, I will be regaining back a lot of sleep that I have lost. No I won’t be sleeping in until noon. The latest will be 10 am to 10:30am. Any later and I feel I am sleeping the day away. I am not a fan of that.
I think another thing that will be done will be some more writing. Whether it is from my on going story or a new story all together. I think that alone time is out because well, my other cousins will be out of school for the summer and therefore I will have no alone time.
Another thing that is coming up is my 22nd birthday. I really don’t know what I am going to do for my birthday. I never know what to day actually. The sad thing is that I would like to do something but… I just don’t know what to do. Such a pain. I don’t drink or go out to clubs. So, what else is there for me to do? Hmmm… Well, that is all that I coming up for me. Have a good one!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Mirror
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I look in the mirror and what do I see looking back at me? I see a tired young lady who is aging more than she should. The pretty hazel/green eyes are slightly tarnished by the red that surrounds and mixes with the white. My skin is pale from the lack of sun.
Hair is out of place and my lips are slightly chapped. My clothes out of shape and wrinkled. There are small scraps and bruses on my skin. There are scuffmarks on my body and my skin is still tender to the touch from the feet that step all over me.
My scabbed and scrapped up hand brushes my sleeve. I wipe off the mixture of dirt and dust. I pull on my shirt to lessen the wrinkles. Nurse my wounds and I take a look at my face again in the mirror.
Through out it all I look over my scuffmarks tear stains, and dried up blood I see the green shining through my eyes. I look down towards my lips and apply some beeswax. I love that peppermint tingly feeling. They are smooth and are rushing full of color once again. I lightly brush at the scuffmarks on my face. It’s that smirk on my face that lets me know that people are in for a change and it is quite exciting.
I look in the mirror and what do I see looking back at me? I see a tired young lady who is aging more than she should. The pretty hazel/green eyes are slightly tarnished by the red that surrounds and mixes with the white. My skin is pale from the lack of sun.
Hair is out of place and my lips are slightly chapped. My clothes out of shape and wrinkled. There are small scraps and bruses on my skin. There are scuffmarks on my body and my skin is still tender to the touch from the feet that step all over me.
My scabbed and scrapped up hand brushes my sleeve. I wipe off the mixture of dirt and dust. I pull on my shirt to lessen the wrinkles. Nurse my wounds and I take a look at my face again in the mirror.
Through out it all I look over my scuffmarks tear stains, and dried up blood I see the green shining through my eyes. I look down towards my lips and apply some beeswax. I love that peppermint tingly feeling. They are smooth and are rushing full of color once again. I lightly brush at the scuffmarks on my face. It’s that smirk on my face that lets me know that people are in for a change and it is quite exciting.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Running on…
… 2 hours of sleep.
I must admit I did go to sleep a bit late last night. But, normally I will just fall right asleep and I get a good amount of rest. Not the case last night. I lie down and close my eyes but I do not drift off into dreamland. No, I am awake. I switch positions many times and yet I don’t fall into a slumber once! This continues until around 6AM this morning when I finally drift off only to wake up at 8AM to get ready for work at 9AM. Being a cashier can be pretty tiring on busy days but try being a cashier running on 2 hours of sleep. It is even more tiring. To top it off it was too hot for comfort today. Even in an air-conditioned store you could feel the heat radiating from the outside. At one point I saw a blond woman walk in only her skin wasn’t a fair skinned like she should be. She was red as a beet all over. From her head and probably to her toes she was red! It hurt just looking at her. Now I am going to finish this paragraph of a post to try and create something a bit more constructive or at least interesting.
I must admit I did go to sleep a bit late last night. But, normally I will just fall right asleep and I get a good amount of rest. Not the case last night. I lie down and close my eyes but I do not drift off into dreamland. No, I am awake. I switch positions many times and yet I don’t fall into a slumber once! This continues until around 6AM this morning when I finally drift off only to wake up at 8AM to get ready for work at 9AM. Being a cashier can be pretty tiring on busy days but try being a cashier running on 2 hours of sleep. It is even more tiring. To top it off it was too hot for comfort today. Even in an air-conditioned store you could feel the heat radiating from the outside. At one point I saw a blond woman walk in only her skin wasn’t a fair skinned like she should be. She was red as a beet all over. From her head and probably to her toes she was red! It hurt just looking at her. Now I am going to finish this paragraph of a post to try and create something a bit more constructive or at least interesting.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What Will Your Soul Mate Be Like?
My results in a quiz I took.
Your soul mate will be your best friend. You will have so much fun with them every day.
Your soul mate will always know how to cheer you up with their sense of humor.
Whenever things get tough, your soul mate will encourage you to excel.
In your life together, your soul mate will help you to become more involved in the world.
Your soul mate will love you because you are a funny and unique person who can always see the humor in things.
Since according to the quiz this is how my soul mate will be I think I should write an open letter to my future beloved.
To my dear sweet love,
I sit here listening to the sweet melodies of The Bravery. You may or may not have heard of this band. If not I am sure I will introduce them to you at some point. I want to write you this letter because I think this would be very amusing to show you one day.
I look forward to the many fun days we shall have together. I am sure you will have a brilliant smile and just that alone will make me smile. A day without a smile is a day wasted and I know I will have no wasted days when I am with you.
I look forward to you cheering me up with your sense of humor. I love to laugh and what could be better than laughing with someone whom you love so dearly?
I very much want you to encourage me to excel in the future. At times I long for your encouragement, even now.
To be more involved with the world with you would make all my days shine.
I have no idea if I have all ready met you and fallen for you but I am just too shy to say so or I am otherwise not able to admit my feelings towards you because it would be highly inappropriate. If either be the case I am glad I am with you now. The wait may have been excruciating but it was well worth it in the end.
You may or may not have an English accent or any accent of that matter. I love you just the same. But, if you do have an accent, add that to the list of the many reasons why I love you. If you do or do not wear glasses, my heart will still skip a beat when I see you. If you do wear spectacles, I am ever so glad to look into your eyes.
I do not know you yet but I am sure you will be everything that I hoped for and more. A loving, caring and beautiful man. You may not know this but when I am around you I don’t know what to say. Once you make me feel at ease the words seem to come. I long to walk in my beloved rain with you. I want to rest my head against you to hear your heart beat. I want to be safe in your arms.
To take a line from the well-known author, Jane Austin, I love you, most ardently. I will love you long after I take my final breath. I will love you forever and always. You mean everything to me and not matter how long I have to wait for you it will make my love grow that much stronger. I hope you are warm and safe wherever you are. May you never have to bear the weight of gloomy days. You deserve nothing but the best in this world. Goodnight my love. Thank you for reading this and I hope it brought that beautiful smile of yours out. Sleep sweet and take care. 143.
- Geneva
Your soul mate will be your best friend. You will have so much fun with them every day.
Your soul mate will always know how to cheer you up with their sense of humor.
Whenever things get tough, your soul mate will encourage you to excel.
In your life together, your soul mate will help you to become more involved in the world.
Your soul mate will love you because you are a funny and unique person who can always see the humor in things.
Since according to the quiz this is how my soul mate will be I think I should write an open letter to my future beloved.
To my dear sweet love,
I sit here listening to the sweet melodies of The Bravery. You may or may not have heard of this band. If not I am sure I will introduce them to you at some point. I want to write you this letter because I think this would be very amusing to show you one day.
I look forward to the many fun days we shall have together. I am sure you will have a brilliant smile and just that alone will make me smile. A day without a smile is a day wasted and I know I will have no wasted days when I am with you.
I look forward to you cheering me up with your sense of humor. I love to laugh and what could be better than laughing with someone whom you love so dearly?
I very much want you to encourage me to excel in the future. At times I long for your encouragement, even now.
To be more involved with the world with you would make all my days shine.
I have no idea if I have all ready met you and fallen for you but I am just too shy to say so or I am otherwise not able to admit my feelings towards you because it would be highly inappropriate. If either be the case I am glad I am with you now. The wait may have been excruciating but it was well worth it in the end.
You may or may not have an English accent or any accent of that matter. I love you just the same. But, if you do have an accent, add that to the list of the many reasons why I love you. If you do or do not wear glasses, my heart will still skip a beat when I see you. If you do wear spectacles, I am ever so glad to look into your eyes.
I do not know you yet but I am sure you will be everything that I hoped for and more. A loving, caring and beautiful man. You may not know this but when I am around you I don’t know what to say. Once you make me feel at ease the words seem to come. I long to walk in my beloved rain with you. I want to rest my head against you to hear your heart beat. I want to be safe in your arms.
To take a line from the well-known author, Jane Austin, I love you, most ardently. I will love you long after I take my final breath. I will love you forever and always. You mean everything to me and not matter how long I have to wait for you it will make my love grow that much stronger. I hope you are warm and safe wherever you are. May you never have to bear the weight of gloomy days. You deserve nothing but the best in this world. Goodnight my love. Thank you for reading this and I hope it brought that beautiful smile of yours out. Sleep sweet and take care. 143.
- Geneva
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What this number has to do with Mr. Rogers and myself.
One morning as I was baby-sitting my young cousins and we were enjoying a lovely episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I was a little preoccupied with fixing the babies their snack so when I saw Lady Aberlin was talking with Daniel the Tiger and he was showing her this plaque with the number 143 on it. I had thought it was an address or something and then the episode ended and I had completely missed what 143 the number missed. Luckily for me I have Direct TV with DVR so off I went to rewind. Much to the disapproval from my cousin Noah. Once I get to the part where the number finally gets it’s explanation of its meaning.
The meaning is a very sweet one. It means ‘I Love You.’ Where did they get ‘I love you’ from that number? Well, the numbers represent the amount of numbers in each word.
1 – I = 1 Letter
4 – L-O-V-E = 4 Letters
3 – Y-O-U = 3 Letters
I thought that was the sweetest thing I have ever heard in a long time. A while after that I decided to google 143 and Mr. Rogers. I came to find out that the number had a special meaning to the man. He also kept his weight at 143 all the way up until his death. Now, I have taken that number for myself. I hope that one day I could actually tell someone ‘143.’ Also, since I am starting my little diet journey I hope to get my weight down to 143 lbs. 1.) Because it would be within the weight I am supposed to be at. 2.) Like Mr. Rogers I really like the meaning of that number. And lastly but certainly not the least it is because I think with that goal I can actually love myself a lot more than I actually do.
Ah, the power and meaning of a simple number.
One morning as I was baby-sitting my young cousins and we were enjoying a lovely episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I was a little preoccupied with fixing the babies their snack so when I saw Lady Aberlin was talking with Daniel the Tiger and he was showing her this plaque with the number 143 on it. I had thought it was an address or something and then the episode ended and I had completely missed what 143 the number missed. Luckily for me I have Direct TV with DVR so off I went to rewind. Much to the disapproval from my cousin Noah. Once I get to the part where the number finally gets it’s explanation of its meaning.
The meaning is a very sweet one. It means ‘I Love You.’ Where did they get ‘I love you’ from that number? Well, the numbers represent the amount of numbers in each word.
1 – I = 1 Letter
4 – L-O-V-E = 4 Letters
3 – Y-O-U = 3 Letters
I thought that was the sweetest thing I have ever heard in a long time. A while after that I decided to google 143 and Mr. Rogers. I came to find out that the number had a special meaning to the man. He also kept his weight at 143 all the way up until his death. Now, I have taken that number for myself. I hope that one day I could actually tell someone ‘143.’ Also, since I am starting my little diet journey I hope to get my weight down to 143 lbs. 1.) Because it would be within the weight I am supposed to be at. 2.) Like Mr. Rogers I really like the meaning of that number. And lastly but certainly not the least it is because I think with that goal I can actually love myself a lot more than I actually do.
Ah, the power and meaning of a simple number.
Monday, March 10, 2008
It's Time To Surrender
- Name 20 things you'll never ever say to anyone.
- Don't use names.
- Don't speak of this with anyone after you've written this.
01. I miss you deeply and I wish you were still here.
02. I miss the conversations that we used to have. I just miss being around you period.
03. After months of not having a thought about you in my mind you have some how ventured back into it. I hate that I miss you and I hate that I want to get to know you more. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you did touch my hand.
04. I wish that this was some kind of alternate universe or a different period in time so that maybe I could see what would happen between us.
05. Apart of me will always care for you and will always be sad that things couldn't have worked out between us.
06. You and I used to be so close, what happened?
07. I miss you more than you know and I hope to see you again.
08. I truly and honestly love talking with you. You bring out my honesty more than anyone else.
09. You are so sweet and I wish we lived closer so we could visit more.
10. I love how you smile at me but at the same time I wished I didn't get so much pleasure from it.
11. You make me feel like I am loosing my sanity but I would still die for you.
12. This isn't a secret, I hate you and I tell you that daily.
13. I feel that there is something that is bothering you but you keep up this act that you are ok and I am afraid to bring it up to you.
14. I love you and I hate that we don't see each other that much anymore even though we live in the same household.
15. I can't wait to see you again because then things can get started where they left off.
16. I am glad to have met you. You are just the best person to know and to be around.
17. You make me smile daily and it is great.
18. You never cease to amuse me.
19. You are a little shit and I don't appreciate how you treat me or the others around you. Grow up!
20. We haven't spoken in a very long time but I just wanted to say I thought you were one of the most gorgeous boys in school and when you and I spoke it was a treasure.
- Don't use names.
- Don't speak of this with anyone after you've written this.
01. I miss you deeply and I wish you were still here.
02. I miss the conversations that we used to have. I just miss being around you period.
03. After months of not having a thought about you in my mind you have some how ventured back into it. I hate that I miss you and I hate that I want to get to know you more. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you did touch my hand.
04. I wish that this was some kind of alternate universe or a different period in time so that maybe I could see what would happen between us.
05. Apart of me will always care for you and will always be sad that things couldn't have worked out between us.
06. You and I used to be so close, what happened?
07. I miss you more than you know and I hope to see you again.
08. I truly and honestly love talking with you. You bring out my honesty more than anyone else.
09. You are so sweet and I wish we lived closer so we could visit more.
10. I love how you smile at me but at the same time I wished I didn't get so much pleasure from it.
11. You make me feel like I am loosing my sanity but I would still die for you.
12. This isn't a secret, I hate you and I tell you that daily.
13. I feel that there is something that is bothering you but you keep up this act that you are ok and I am afraid to bring it up to you.
14. I love you and I hate that we don't see each other that much anymore even though we live in the same household.
15. I can't wait to see you again because then things can get started where they left off.
16. I am glad to have met you. You are just the best person to know and to be around.
17. You make me smile daily and it is great.
18. You never cease to amuse me.
19. You are a little shit and I don't appreciate how you treat me or the others around you. Grow up!
20. We haven't spoken in a very long time but I just wanted to say I thought you were one of the most gorgeous boys in school and when you and I spoke it was a treasure.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Rainy Monday
You left this feeling here inside me.
She fell in love again. She fell completely and utterly in love all over again. His voice lingered in her mind. His face was so beautiful that no words can do it justice. His blue eyes shimmered with every glimpse of light. The final words she heard him speak were, “Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy…” The credits came up on the screen and she sighs and wishes for her own Mr. Darcy.
When the sun came up the next day the smile on her face shined despite the clouds outside. Thoughts of Mr. Darcy brightened up her mood. She danced and sang at work and smiled more than usual. Then he walked by, the one person who makes the day even better. Her smile grows and now she is glowing. She is floating on air and she is enjoying every moment of it.
Outside in her backyard she stands with her head held high and her hands held out. She closes her eyes and takes in the cold air. Icy drops of water hit her skin and her smile grows wide. She laughs and twirls around. Each drop takes her hand and she dances with the rain. She splashes into the puddles and takes in each and every drop. She is happy. She is honestly and truly happy for the first time in a very long time.
Her backyard grows into something from her past. The concrete turns to grass and the grass turns into a pool. She was no longer a woman but a child. Sneaking outside in her childhood home and dancing in the rain. She wraps her arms around herself as she spins and returns back to her present home. She hops over to the door and turns to take one last look at the rain. Just as the day began, so it ends with a smile.
Headline and headline are from the song Rainy Monday by the band Shiny Toy Guns
She fell in love again. She fell completely and utterly in love all over again. His voice lingered in her mind. His face was so beautiful that no words can do it justice. His blue eyes shimmered with every glimpse of light. The final words she heard him speak were, “Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy…” The credits came up on the screen and she sighs and wishes for her own Mr. Darcy.
When the sun came up the next day the smile on her face shined despite the clouds outside. Thoughts of Mr. Darcy brightened up her mood. She danced and sang at work and smiled more than usual. Then he walked by, the one person who makes the day even better. Her smile grows and now she is glowing. She is floating on air and she is enjoying every moment of it.
Outside in her backyard she stands with her head held high and her hands held out. She closes her eyes and takes in the cold air. Icy drops of water hit her skin and her smile grows wide. She laughs and twirls around. Each drop takes her hand and she dances with the rain. She splashes into the puddles and takes in each and every drop. She is happy. She is honestly and truly happy for the first time in a very long time.
Her backyard grows into something from her past. The concrete turns to grass and the grass turns into a pool. She was no longer a woman but a child. Sneaking outside in her childhood home and dancing in the rain. She wraps her arms around herself as she spins and returns back to her present home. She hops over to the door and turns to take one last look at the rain. Just as the day began, so it ends with a smile.
Headline and headline are from the song Rainy Monday by the band Shiny Toy Guns
mr. darcy,
rainy monday,
shiny toy guns
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Cherry Blossom
I have finally found my favorite flower.
I was online speaking with someone who I have been getting to know over the past few months. I have written about him once before here but I have never mentioned his name. So I won’t. I will however call him the Blue Rose.
So I was speaking with the Blue Rose and he was telling me how he wants to look up how to send a message with flowers. That moved on to him asking me what my favorite flower was. All I could tell him was ‘you know what? I have been asking myself that for years now.’ So, I think about it and I decide to say White Cherry Blossoms because I think they are really pretty and my friends Ky and Kate gave me a lotion and body spray set of White Cherry Blossoms and it is one of the prettiest scents I have ever had the pleasure of smelling.
As we continued to chat I decided to look up the meaning of the flower and based on it’s meaning I have found myself a favorite flower. What is the meaning you ask? It is simple:
‘The cherry blossom was considered an especially beautiful and important symbol for Japanese samurai because at the height of its beauty it would inevitably fall to the ground to die. Samurai also had to be willing to sacrifice themselves in their prime, and the cherry blossom was evidence that this is the natural way of things and could even be beautiful and pure. Life is as delicate and light as the falling petals, and there is a natural time for all beautiful things to end. The samurai strove to understand the nature of life and death by meditating on the blossom of the cherry tree. This peace was tempered by the inner strength, power, and fighting spirit represented by the circle of red. Through the study of attack and defense in Judo we learn to harmonize our spirit and body, learning to both fight hard and let go softly.’ -
I just put the whole thing because I couldn’t have said it better myself. Every time I try to explain the meaning I mess up. But that just explains it all right there. It has given me a whole new look on things. I’d like to think that it would inspire me to do a lot more with my life.
So there you have it. The cherry blossom, its beauty and grace is something that I would like to compare myself to. To soon see the beauty in myself and well as my grace. One should always have a favorite flower. You never know what it may mean or what it may have in store for you.
I was online speaking with someone who I have been getting to know over the past few months. I have written about him once before here but I have never mentioned his name. So I won’t. I will however call him the Blue Rose.
So I was speaking with the Blue Rose and he was telling me how he wants to look up how to send a message with flowers. That moved on to him asking me what my favorite flower was. All I could tell him was ‘you know what? I have been asking myself that for years now.’ So, I think about it and I decide to say White Cherry Blossoms because I think they are really pretty and my friends Ky and Kate gave me a lotion and body spray set of White Cherry Blossoms and it is one of the prettiest scents I have ever had the pleasure of smelling.
As we continued to chat I decided to look up the meaning of the flower and based on it’s meaning I have found myself a favorite flower. What is the meaning you ask? It is simple:
‘The cherry blossom was considered an especially beautiful and important symbol for Japanese samurai because at the height of its beauty it would inevitably fall to the ground to die. Samurai also had to be willing to sacrifice themselves in their prime, and the cherry blossom was evidence that this is the natural way of things and could even be beautiful and pure. Life is as delicate and light as the falling petals, and there is a natural time for all beautiful things to end. The samurai strove to understand the nature of life and death by meditating on the blossom of the cherry tree. This peace was tempered by the inner strength, power, and fighting spirit represented by the circle of red. Through the study of attack and defense in Judo we learn to harmonize our spirit and body, learning to both fight hard and let go softly.’ -
I just put the whole thing because I couldn’t have said it better myself. Every time I try to explain the meaning I mess up. But that just explains it all right there. It has given me a whole new look on things. I’d like to think that it would inspire me to do a lot more with my life.
So there you have it. The cherry blossom, its beauty and grace is something that I would like to compare myself to. To soon see the beauty in myself and well as my grace. One should always have a favorite flower. You never know what it may mean or what it may have in store for you.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Confessions Of A Cashier Pt. 2
The events of today inspired me to make a second edition.
Some of you may have read my first Confessions. If not, you can now. Please, read that first before reading this one.
Ok, for those of you who have read the first one, here is my addition to the confessions.
I arrive at work to see the grocery side entrance surrounded by fire trucks and an ambulance. This was very surprising to me and so I hoped that nothing was seriously wrong at work. I walk in the other entrance and I hear someone shout out “GENEVA!” I turn and look to see one of the CSM’s calling me over. I rush over to her and I see her attention is to this elderly man. The next words I hear are ‘This man is having a heart attack.’ All of a sudden I became as stiff as a board. “He is what??” was all I could think.
The next thing I know the man is speaking about his medication. Turns out he left it in his car. The CSM is talking to the man and calls me closer. He starts to describe where his medication would be in his car. ‘It’s in the center console. It is nitroglycerine.’ I see him take out his keys and the next thing I know the CSM is telling him that I am going to be the one to get his medication for him. “I am what?” could she be serious? Can I handle that responsibility? I take the keys and after hearing his description I rush out the door to find his car.
Once I get to his car I press the security lock to make sure the alarm would not go off on me. There is nothing more awkward then going through some strangers car looking for medication. I open the center console, move the papers and I find: a toy car, dimes, and some golf thingies. What? No medication? But the man said it was there. I look again. And again. And again once more. Nothing. No pill bottle, nothing. I move on to the glove compartment. Nope, just the normal paperwork that is to be expected in the glove compartment. I look in the back seat and find nothing. I see a bag on the passenger front seat. This has to be it! Nope, nothing. How can this man be so sure his medications are in there if they are not! I lock up his car and I rush back inside. I see the paramedics surrounding him and I tell the assistant managers that I could not find his medications and I gave them his car keys. The paramedics assured me that they had everything under control.
Once that little debacle was taken care of I rushed to the back to clock in. After all that I had not even clocked in yet! I was a minute late. Damn it! I rush to the front end to see lines, long horrendous lines. I wanted to turn around and hide or even just run away. Once I reach the front there are no CSMs at the CSM podium. So I go and look for one. Right away one finds me and sticks me on a register. All I have to say about today is that that line I worked with didn’t end until after I clocked out from work. Why on earth was it so busy today? I have no clue and I can’t describe just how bad it was. It was just bad. The most interesting stuff happened as I showed up. My arms hurt and my hands are scraped up from working with the register. Yes folks, your merchandise does in fact inflict injury to us cashiers. The number of bruises, nicks and cuts I got this weekend are innumerable. Overall, this weekend the customers were not so bad and I thank thee. I am off to ice my wounds from today’s battle. Nighty night!
- Cashier Geneva
p.s. The reason the fire trucks were there originally was because a little boy had a seizure in the store.
Some of you may have read my first Confessions. If not, you can now. Please, read that first before reading this one.
Ok, for those of you who have read the first one, here is my addition to the confessions.
I arrive at work to see the grocery side entrance surrounded by fire trucks and an ambulance. This was very surprising to me and so I hoped that nothing was seriously wrong at work. I walk in the other entrance and I hear someone shout out “GENEVA!” I turn and look to see one of the CSM’s calling me over. I rush over to her and I see her attention is to this elderly man. The next words I hear are ‘This man is having a heart attack.’ All of a sudden I became as stiff as a board. “He is what??” was all I could think.
The next thing I know the man is speaking about his medication. Turns out he left it in his car. The CSM is talking to the man and calls me closer. He starts to describe where his medication would be in his car. ‘It’s in the center console. It is nitroglycerine.’ I see him take out his keys and the next thing I know the CSM is telling him that I am going to be the one to get his medication for him. “I am what?” could she be serious? Can I handle that responsibility? I take the keys and after hearing his description I rush out the door to find his car.
Once I get to his car I press the security lock to make sure the alarm would not go off on me. There is nothing more awkward then going through some strangers car looking for medication. I open the center console, move the papers and I find: a toy car, dimes, and some golf thingies. What? No medication? But the man said it was there. I look again. And again. And again once more. Nothing. No pill bottle, nothing. I move on to the glove compartment. Nope, just the normal paperwork that is to be expected in the glove compartment. I look in the back seat and find nothing. I see a bag on the passenger front seat. This has to be it! Nope, nothing. How can this man be so sure his medications are in there if they are not! I lock up his car and I rush back inside. I see the paramedics surrounding him and I tell the assistant managers that I could not find his medications and I gave them his car keys. The paramedics assured me that they had everything under control.
Once that little debacle was taken care of I rushed to the back to clock in. After all that I had not even clocked in yet! I was a minute late. Damn it! I rush to the front end to see lines, long horrendous lines. I wanted to turn around and hide or even just run away. Once I reach the front there are no CSMs at the CSM podium. So I go and look for one. Right away one finds me and sticks me on a register. All I have to say about today is that that line I worked with didn’t end until after I clocked out from work. Why on earth was it so busy today? I have no clue and I can’t describe just how bad it was. It was just bad. The most interesting stuff happened as I showed up. My arms hurt and my hands are scraped up from working with the register. Yes folks, your merchandise does in fact inflict injury to us cashiers. The number of bruises, nicks and cuts I got this weekend are innumerable. Overall, this weekend the customers were not so bad and I thank thee. I am off to ice my wounds from today’s battle. Nighty night!
- Cashier Geneva
p.s. The reason the fire trucks were there originally was because a little boy had a seizure in the store.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Nice Guy
A little something about a really nice guy I once knew.
I have written about him in my It’s All In The Smile. He was my version of falling in love. He just came back into my thoughts again and I couldn’t help but wonder some things about him.
For six months straight he was in my life, half a year folks. He often spoke about how he was always taken advantage of because he was too nice. I saw how some people took advantage of just how lenient he was with them. He wasn’t a demanding guy; all he asked for was his students to do the work. The work was not difficult to say the least.
I loved going to his class because he always had some kind of life lesson to teach us. If wasn’t a life lesson it was a discussion of food. Eventually with all the talks of food we all got hungry. He was kind enough to go out and buy us drinks or food for us. He had a ton of different projects going on in his life and it really wore him out. But, he was working towards a dream that he had for himself and there is nothing to be ashamed of for that. The thought of just how hard he was working just makes me aspire to get to the point to where I am determined more than ever to work for my dream.
He knew some much about music and his own theories on different topics. When he would bring in his bass in class and play it for us, I was drawn in. I loved watching him play because I can see the passion flow right through him into the music. He was always very modest about his skill but I thought he was great.
He was the type of guy that just got along with everyone. It was very difficult not to get along with the man. As I have mentioned before, he has one amazing smile. The kind you just have to smile back to. He had a boyish nature to him. It was playful and full of life. It made you want to go back to having that energy and how the world was such a wonderful place. Going back on some old audio files I had for a project I did for his class I listen to him laugh. It is a sweet and very likeable laugh.
The times that we shared were we talked will forever be ingrained in my mind. I miss those times we would converse. I knew that after I left school that he would be someone that I would grow to miss more as time passed on. Six months of my life he made my day. For six months he made me smile and for each time we saw each other I have a memory that I can write about. I wonder where he is now, what is he up to? How is he doing? I wish him nothing but the best in the world because he truly deserves nothing but the best in this world.
I started to think about him again last night after I went to a book reading/signing. The author is from Pasadena, a place where he grew up, and one of her characters in the book she was reading from reminded me of him. Thanks to the man who enlightened not only my life but the lives of all his students that he has touched. I shall miss you always.
I have written about him in my It’s All In The Smile. He was my version of falling in love. He just came back into my thoughts again and I couldn’t help but wonder some things about him.
For six months straight he was in my life, half a year folks. He often spoke about how he was always taken advantage of because he was too nice. I saw how some people took advantage of just how lenient he was with them. He wasn’t a demanding guy; all he asked for was his students to do the work. The work was not difficult to say the least.
I loved going to his class because he always had some kind of life lesson to teach us. If wasn’t a life lesson it was a discussion of food. Eventually with all the talks of food we all got hungry. He was kind enough to go out and buy us drinks or food for us. He had a ton of different projects going on in his life and it really wore him out. But, he was working towards a dream that he had for himself and there is nothing to be ashamed of for that. The thought of just how hard he was working just makes me aspire to get to the point to where I am determined more than ever to work for my dream.
He knew some much about music and his own theories on different topics. When he would bring in his bass in class and play it for us, I was drawn in. I loved watching him play because I can see the passion flow right through him into the music. He was always very modest about his skill but I thought he was great.
He was the type of guy that just got along with everyone. It was very difficult not to get along with the man. As I have mentioned before, he has one amazing smile. The kind you just have to smile back to. He had a boyish nature to him. It was playful and full of life. It made you want to go back to having that energy and how the world was such a wonderful place. Going back on some old audio files I had for a project I did for his class I listen to him laugh. It is a sweet and very likeable laugh.
The times that we shared were we talked will forever be ingrained in my mind. I miss those times we would converse. I knew that after I left school that he would be someone that I would grow to miss more as time passed on. Six months of my life he made my day. For six months he made me smile and for each time we saw each other I have a memory that I can write about. I wonder where he is now, what is he up to? How is he doing? I wish him nothing but the best in the world because he truly deserves nothing but the best in this world.
I started to think about him again last night after I went to a book reading/signing. The author is from Pasadena, a place where he grew up, and one of her characters in the book she was reading from reminded me of him. Thanks to the man who enlightened not only my life but the lives of all his students that he has touched. I shall miss you always.
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