An update
Hello to you all, I have finally set aside some time for myself to write a proper update. How exciting ehh?
As I have mentioned before I was waiting for my volunteer schedule for the Los Angeles Film Festival. I had received my schedule on the 10th. I will be working at the festival June 23rd – June 26th.
My first day will be a theatre shift. What is a theatre shift? Well, basically my job duties will be to help manage the lines, take tickets and ushering. I will be at the Landmark 8 theatre at 3 pm – 6:15 pm. I actually don’t know what film I will be helping to be shown but I am sure it will be a good one.
My second day I will be working in the Target Red Room. I am not sure what my job duties will entail but it has something to do with the Kodak Speed Dating. No I will not be a participant. I will be helping in some way. I think it is more of a networking type of thing rather than actual dating. If I remember how they described it at the volunteer meeting correctly. We shall see what it is when I work it. The time I will be there is 9 am – 1 pm.
My third day will consist of helping in the volunteer booth. I will be handing out t-shirts and badges to other volunteers and give general information to the public. Shift will be at 9:30am – 2:30 pm.
Last and certainly not least will be another theatre shift. It will be at the Billy Wilder Theatre from 3 pm – 7 pm. Again no idea what film will be shown so… Yeah… Haha.
So during that week and a couple of weeks after that my aunt will have her kids in Sacramento. So I will not be baby-sitting for a while. I have no idea what I will do but I hope it to be productive. One thing is for sure, I will be regaining back a lot of sleep that I have lost. No I won’t be sleeping in until noon. The latest will be 10 am to 10:30am. Any later and I feel I am sleeping the day away. I am not a fan of that.
I think another thing that will be done will be some more writing. Whether it is from my on going story or a new story all together. I think that alone time is out because well, my other cousins will be out of school for the summer and therefore I will have no alone time.
Another thing that is coming up is my 22nd birthday. I really don’t know what I am going to do for my birthday. I never know what to day actually. The sad thing is that I would like to do something but… I just don’t know what to do. Such a pain. I don’t drink or go out to clubs. So, what else is there for me to do? Hmmm… Well, that is all that I coming up for me. Have a good one!
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