Thursday, August 2, 2007

Birthday Part Two

Hello everyone,

Here is the second part to my blog. My birthday part over at Marina's. I got a ton of fabulous gifts from the gang and I am very thankful! We played these games:

Price is Right
Crainium (The Pop Culture one)
Guitar Hero

We all went out to eat at Applebees and I heard some entertaining stories and ate some good Nachos. I was getting very tired toward the end of the night and the moment I would start to fall asleep Marina would throw a random object at me and I would wake up. Good times I tell ya. haha. I ended up sleeping around 3:30am and woke up at 8:30am to my phone ringing. Put it on silent and went back to sleep and woke up around 10:30am. I was tired all day haha. After migrating from room to room we finally migrated to the Olive Garden and we 'Stole' Breadsticks. I still say it wasn't stealing cause we paid for them. Haha.

Basically at the Olive Garden the waitress kept rejecting me. I was the very last person to get their food. Then when I wanted a box the waitress just walked right past me. Then when I asked for her to split the check she walked right past me again. Not cool. But it all worked out and I went home to prepare for my Chicago trip. Which will lead to my birthday update part three! :-D I cannot wait! Until then, here are a few photos from yesterday:

Ashely SMILING! :D

Marina and her R2D2 popcorn bowl. hehe.

"John Travolta!"

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