Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Birthday Part One

Hola everyone! Normally I would blog about this but ehh. I'll probably just copy and paste this there. lol.

Well, there was no drinking for my 21st birthday. I was very glad to see that everyone understood my decision for not wanting to drink. :) If you don't know why, that will be for another time. But, what I wanted to do instead was have a game night. Everyone who came was to bring a game(s) that they wanted to play and we would try and play them all. I have a big stack of games here. Here are what we played:

Family Feud
Deal or No Deal
Part of The Worst Case Scenario Survival Game
Part of some Pyramid Game haha.

More games to be played tomorrow but that is a different post entirely haha. Here are some photos. The rest are posted in my photos section. Enjoy!

Kylie and Katie!

The three of us hamming it up.

Seriously, did I even make I wish.. I can't remember.. lol

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