I just got finished watching a lovely film called ‘Cashback’ starring Sean Biggerstaff and Emilia Fox. I have wanted to see this film for a long time now. I have been a fan of Sean Biggerstaff’s films since I saw him in my beloved Harry Potter, yes I was deeply saddened when I found out he would not be in the third film. I digress; he has a knack for picking quality work so when I heard about Cashback I was really interested in seeing it. A while back I noticed it was playing at the Newport Beach Film Festival but alas, it was not to be. By the time the film would have finished it would have taken too long to get to school in time for class. My heart broke into tiny little pieces.
The other day I was reminded of the film when I saw it mentioned on the front page of Yahoo. I decided to make it the next film on my list on Netflix and I received it in the mail today. After the sad Dodger game and dinner was done I put on the film. It was shot beautifully and I was deeply drawn to the characters. I was drawn into their little world and I felt as if I was right there with the character Ben when time stopped around him.
Now after the film was done I was still somewhat in the world of the film. This happens to me every time I see a movie that I enjoy greatly. I picture myself in the world and how I would interact with these fictional characters. It is my way of holding on to something that I liked very much. If I can make it last just a little bit longer I wouldn’t have to go back to the reality of my life. My imagination goes into overdrive and I get inspired to try and create something that would not be nearly as great as what I had just seen.
So the title says ‘There You Were’. I was reintroduced to someone who I had admired in the past. All the reasons that I admired him came back to me and I found new reasons to admire him. His eyes looked solemn and yet they had something wanting to come out. His hair looked rough and yet it lay softly on his head. When he did smile, it brought out a light. When he spoke I held on to every word for as long as I could until the next word came to take its place. And then I realized, that it wasn’t him at all. It was someone he was playing, the fictional character in the story. So there he was, on my television screen. It was as if I was seeing a long lost friend from my past. It made me smile and when the film ended I was glad I got to play catch up for the past hour and thirty-nine minutes. I hope I see him again soon.
Photos from seanbiggerstaff.com and http://www.festivaldufilm-dinard.com/

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