Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Will Never Let You Fall

So, I was lurking around the site and I noticed a blog about the song that is played at your funeral and it got me thinking about the subject. My uncle John passed about a week ago and since then I have seen a good number posts on death and many things thereof. If I am not mistaken I even thought I saw a post on guardian angels. I think I am getting mixed up with the song I am listening to and the actual post. Who knows?

Does everyone have a guardian angel? If you are not religious does that mean you don’t get one? I personally think that everyone has one. I was raised Catholic but I don’t really practice it. I take a few beliefs from the religion.

Now on to what I was really talking about. Guardian angels, yes. I choose to believe that everyone has one. It is up to the individual if they decide to heed their warnings or ignore them. Though over the course of the past two years I have been going through what some would consider the worst time of their lives. I mean it’s bad but I feel like I can get through it. My guardian angel is constantly whispering in my ear to ‘Hold on’, ‘Just keep going. You can do it.’ Unconsciously I have been listening.

Even if you don’t believe in the whole spiritual aspect of a guardian angel you can still have one. Your guardian angel can be an actual person. They can be the friend that holds you up when you can’t stand anymore. They can be the parent that listens to you and makes your problems ok. They can be the teacher that supports you and encourages you to do the things that you really want to do. They come in all shapes, sexes, sizes, and species… They are everywhere.

I believe that I have a spiritual guardian angel and many, MANY real life guardian angels. Who are your guardian angels?

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