Tuesday, March 11, 2008


What this number has to do with Mr. Rogers and myself.

One morning as I was baby-sitting my young cousins and we were enjoying a lovely episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I was a little preoccupied with fixing the babies their snack so when I saw Lady Aberlin was talking with Daniel the Tiger and he was showing her this plaque with the number 143 on it. I had thought it was an address or something and then the episode ended and I had completely missed what 143 the number missed. Luckily for me I have Direct TV with DVR so off I went to rewind. Much to the disapproval from my cousin Noah. Once I get to the part where the number finally gets it’s explanation of its meaning.

The meaning is a very sweet one. It means ‘I Love You.’ Where did they get ‘I love you’ from that number? Well, the numbers represent the amount of numbers in each word.
1 – I = 1 Letter
4 – L-O-V-E = 4 Letters
3 – Y-O-U = 3 Letters

I thought that was the sweetest thing I have ever heard in a long time. A while after that I decided to google 143 and Mr. Rogers. I came to find out that the number had a special meaning to the man. He also kept his weight at 143 all the way up until his death. Now, I have taken that number for myself. I hope that one day I could actually tell someone ‘143.’ Also, since I am starting my little diet journey I hope to get my weight down to 143 lbs. 1.) Because it would be within the weight I am supposed to be at. 2.) Like Mr. Rogers I really like the meaning of that number. And lastly but certainly not the least it is because I think with that goal I can actually love myself a lot more than I actually do.

Ah, the power and meaning of a simple number.

Monday, March 10, 2008

It's Time To Surrender

- Name 20 things you'll never ever say to anyone.
- Don't use names.
- Don't speak of this with anyone after you've written this.

01. I miss you deeply and I wish you were still here.

02. I miss the conversations that we used to have. I just miss being around you period.

03. After months of not having a thought about you in my mind you have some how ventured back into it. I hate that I miss you and I hate that I want to get to know you more. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if you did touch my hand.

04. I wish that this was some kind of alternate universe or a different period in time so that maybe I could see what would happen between us.

05. Apart of me will always care for you and will always be sad that things couldn't have worked out between us.

06. You and I used to be so close, what happened?

07. I miss you more than you know and I hope to see you again.

08. I truly and honestly love talking with you. You bring out my honesty more than anyone else.

09. You are so sweet and I wish we lived closer so we could visit more.

10. I love how you smile at me but at the same time I wished I didn't get so much pleasure from it.

11. You make me feel like I am loosing my sanity but I would still die for you.

12. This isn't a secret, I hate you and I tell you that daily.

13. I feel that there is something that is bothering you but you keep up this act that you are ok and I am afraid to bring it up to you.

14. I love you and I hate that we don't see each other that much anymore even though we live in the same household.

15. I can't wait to see you again because then things can get started where they left off.

16. I am glad to have met you. You are just the best person to know and to be around.

17. You make me smile daily and it is great.

18. You never cease to amuse me.

19. You are a little shit and I don't appreciate how you treat me or the others around you. Grow up!

20. We haven't spoken in a very long time but I just wanted to say I thought you were one of the most gorgeous boys in school and when you and I spoke it was a treasure.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rainy Monday

You left this feeling here inside me.

She fell in love again. She fell completely and utterly in love all over again. His voice lingered in her mind. His face was so beautiful that no words can do it justice. His blue eyes shimmered with every glimpse of light. The final words she heard him speak were, “Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy…” The credits came up on the screen and she sighs and wishes for her own Mr. Darcy.

When the sun came up the next day the smile on her face shined despite the clouds outside. Thoughts of Mr. Darcy brightened up her mood. She danced and sang at work and smiled more than usual. Then he walked by, the one person who makes the day even better. Her smile grows and now she is glowing. She is floating on air and she is enjoying every moment of it.

Outside in her backyard she stands with her head held high and her hands held out. She closes her eyes and takes in the cold air. Icy drops of water hit her skin and her smile grows wide. She laughs and twirls around. Each drop takes her hand and she dances with the rain. She splashes into the puddles and takes in each and every drop. She is happy. She is honestly and truly happy for the first time in a very long time.

Her backyard grows into something from her past. The concrete turns to grass and the grass turns into a pool. She was no longer a woman but a child. Sneaking outside in her childhood home and dancing in the rain. She wraps her arms around herself as she spins and returns back to her present home. She hops over to the door and turns to take one last look at the rain. Just as the day began, so it ends with a smile.

Headline and headline are from the song Rainy Monday by the band Shiny Toy Guns