Tuesday, March 11, 2008


What this number has to do with Mr. Rogers and myself.

One morning as I was baby-sitting my young cousins and we were enjoying a lovely episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I was a little preoccupied with fixing the babies their snack so when I saw Lady Aberlin was talking with Daniel the Tiger and he was showing her this plaque with the number 143 on it. I had thought it was an address or something and then the episode ended and I had completely missed what 143 the number missed. Luckily for me I have Direct TV with DVR so off I went to rewind. Much to the disapproval from my cousin Noah. Once I get to the part where the number finally gets it’s explanation of its meaning.

The meaning is a very sweet one. It means ‘I Love You.’ Where did they get ‘I love you’ from that number? Well, the numbers represent the amount of numbers in each word.
1 – I = 1 Letter
4 – L-O-V-E = 4 Letters
3 – Y-O-U = 3 Letters

I thought that was the sweetest thing I have ever heard in a long time. A while after that I decided to google 143 and Mr. Rogers. I came to find out that the number had a special meaning to the man. He also kept his weight at 143 all the way up until his death. Now, I have taken that number for myself. I hope that one day I could actually tell someone ‘143.’ Also, since I am starting my little diet journey I hope to get my weight down to 143 lbs. 1.) Because it would be within the weight I am supposed to be at. 2.) Like Mr. Rogers I really like the meaning of that number. And lastly but certainly not the least it is because I think with that goal I can actually love myself a lot more than I actually do.

Ah, the power and meaning of a simple number.

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