Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Ok, so I have been lacking on posting. I am on vacation after all.. muhahaha.

Today is CHEVELLE DAY WEEE!!! I have my copy of Vena Sera and I loving it! I am also going to watch them on Fuse today as well. Yesterday was the best! I got my copy of Vena Sera early cause I preordered it. Then I dyed my hair and I called in Rockline and got to speak to Chevelle. :D I was one happy camper yesterday.

I suggest you all go out to Best Buy and get a copy or two of Vena Sera. I also suggest you buy the album on iTunes cause there is a kick ass song on there as well.

Today I bought my plane tickets to Chicago. WOO!!! Who is up for a Hair dying/Coupling party?? Anyone?? hehehehe. Life is wonderful. I hope it lasts for a while. Take care people!

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