Friday, March 16, 2007


Today I was thinking about this one little boy that I was helping while at work just before Valentine's day. Here is what went down:

::I am ringing up all his little valentine stuff and he looks at me and I smile::

Boy: I'm in looooooooovvvveeeee. ::sighs::
Me: Aww
Boy: Her name is Kristina and I am gonna give this to her on Valentines day. ::points to all the stuff he is buying::
Me: That's sweet!

::His mom laughs and lets him pay for his stuff::

His Mom: He's going to give that to this older girl he knows at school.
Me: Awww.

I am not sure why I was thinking about that today but as I was monitoring self-checkouts and then guess who I saw! That little boy and his mom. That made my day. That's all. Take care people!

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